1、Interest rate on loans secured by export trade bill───出口汇票担保借款利息
2、Nowadays our foreign trade companies mainly use three kinds of accounting methods in the export trade: international remittance, documentary bill for collection and documentary letter of credit.───目前我国外贸企业在出口业务中主要使用三种结算方式国际汇款、跟单托收和跟单信用证。
3、Nowadays our foreign trade companies mainly use three kinds of accountings in the export trade, international remittance, documentary bill for collection and documentary letter of credit.───目前我国外贸企业在出口业务中主要使用三种结算方式:国际汇款、跟单托收和跟单信用证。
export trade bill(意思翻译)
export trade bill(相似词语短语)
1、trade balance───贸易差额,贸易平衡
3、export declaration───[贸易]出口申报单
6、export references───出口参考
7、medicaments export───药品出口
8、export duty───出口关税;输出税,出口税
9、export trade───出口贸易,出口商; 外销;出口贸易;出口商
export trade bill(双语使用场景)
1、Interest rate on loans secured by export trade bill───出口汇票担保借款利息
2、Nowadays our foreign trade companies mainly use three kinds of accounting methods in the export trade: international remittance, documentary bill for collection and documentary letter of credit.───目前我国外贸企业在出口业务中主要使用三种结算方式国际汇款、跟单托收和跟单信用证。
3、Nowadays our foreign trade companies mainly use three kinds of accountings in the export trade, international remittance, documentary bill for collection and documentary letter of credit.───目前我国外贸企业在出口业务中主要使用三种结算方式:国际汇款、跟单托收和跟单信用证。