1、He may not look like a person who needs to count calories, but as part of his life extension program, he monitors every morsel of food that passes through his system.───他或者看起来并不像是个需要计算卡路里的人,但作为生命延伸计划里的一分子,他严格控制吃进身体里每一口的食物。
2、Count calorie or fat grams or use a commercial weight-loss program to track food intake.───通过计算卡路里或者脂肪克数或者通过商业性的减肥程序跟踪食品摄入量。
3、Only the Nutrition Facts panel on a food package will give you thereal sodium count.───食品包装上只有“营养标示”牌会为你提供真正的钠数字。
4、In light of this market redundancy, the only reasonable reaction, it seems, is to count food miles the way a dieter counts calories.───对于这种市场浪费现象,似乎唯一理智的反应就是,像减肥者计算卡路里那样计算食物里程。
count food(意思翻译)
count food(相似词语短语)
1、count nouns───n.可数名词( count noun的名词复数 )
2、count to───清点;算出
4、count buffon───布冯伯爵
5、count towards───包括在内;计入
6、count against───对…不利,不利于;vt.不利于
7、count star───计数星
8、lets count───让我们数一数
9、all count───全部计算
count food(双语使用场景)
1、He may not look like a person who needs to count calories, but as part of his life extension program, he monitors every morsel of food that passes through his system.───他或者看起来并不像是个需要计算卡路里的人,但作为生命延伸计划里的一分子,他严格控制吃进身体里每一口的食物。
2、Count calorie or fat grams or use a commercial weight-loss program to track food intake.───通过计算卡路里或者脂肪克数或者通过商业性的减肥程序跟踪食品摄入量。
3、Only the Nutrition Facts panel on a food package will give you thereal sodium count.───食品包装上只有“营养标示”牌会为你提供真正的钠数字。
4、In light of this market redundancy, the only reasonable reaction, it seems, is to count food miles the way a dieter counts calories.───对于这种市场浪费现象,似乎唯一理智的反应就是,像减肥者计算卡路里那样计算食物里程。