1、Work hard to be a listed company on the microelectronics and automobile electron industry within three or four years.───力争在三-四年内成为微电子和汽车电子行业的上市公司。
2、applies to package electronic products with moisture-proof requirement: such as PC boards, IC integrated circuit, CD driver, hard disk and electron component parts... etc.───适用于有防潮要求的电子产品包装:各类P C板、IC集成电路、光驱、硬盘、电子元器件等。
hard electron(意思翻译)
hard electron(相似词语短语)
1、auger electron───[物]俄歇电子;俄歇电子,奥格电子
2、unpaired electron───孤电子;[电子]不成对电子;未配对电子
3、electron beam───[物]电子束
4、electron configuration───电子构型;[物化][电子]电子组态;电子排布;电子构型,电子组态
5、electron shell───[物]电子壳层;[物]电子壳;[物]电子层
6、electron capturer───[医]电子俘获器
8、visa electron───visa electron卡
9、outermost electron───最外层电子
hard electron(双语使用场景)
1、Work hard to be a listed company on the microelectronics and automobile electron industry within three or four years.───力争在三-四年内成为微电子和汽车电子行业的上市公司。
2、applies to package electronic products with moisture-proof requirement: such as PC boards, IC integrated circuit, CD driver, hard disk and electron component parts... etc.───适用于有防潮要求的电子产品包装:各类P C板、IC集成电路、光驱、硬盘、电子元器件等。