1、method of spatial overlap-add is utilized in this algorithm. It can reduce the block noise exist in the traditional DCT watermarking algorithm and improve the quality of the image.───空间交迭的方法,该算法能够削弱传统DCT自适应水印算法的块状噪声,从而提高图像的品质。
2、Chinese speech waveform coding synthesis is based on the time domain pitch synchronous overlap add(PSOLA)method and a Chinese syllable dictionary.───以时域基音同步叠加 (P S O L A)技术和一个全汉语单音节库为合成单元进行汉语语音波形编码合成。
overlap add method(意思翻译)
overlap add method(相似词语短语)
1、overlap add python───重叠添加python
2、overlap syndrome───[内科]重叠综合征
4、cusp overlap───尖点重叠
6、overlap pcr───重叠PCR
8、overlap add───重叠相加法
9、overlap definition───重叠定义
overlap add method(双语使用场景)
1、method of spatial overlap-add is utilized in this algorithm. It can reduce the block noise exist in the traditional DCT watermarking algorithm and improve the quality of the image.───空间交迭的方法,该算法能够削弱传统DCT自适应水印算法的块状噪声,从而提高图像的品质。
2、Chinese speech waveform coding synthesis is based on the time domain pitch synchronous overlap add(PSOLA)method and a Chinese syllable dictionary.───以时域基音同步叠加 (P S O L A)技术和一个全汉语单音节库为合成单元进行汉语语音波形编码合成。