1、Then I have had a deeper understanding and comprehending to the Xiao Hong's life in her childhood and all her life.───对萧红的童年生活和生平,有了更加深切的了解和领悟。
2、We want you to quickly lift up to our levels of knowledge, as you do have a mind that is capable of comprehending advanced technology.───我们希望你们迅速地提升到我们的知识水平,因为你们的确拥有一个能够理解先进技术的心智。
3、Children use scripts as the primary means of anticipating, comprehending, and re-creating real-life experience.───儿童使用脚本作为主要手段,预测,理解,并重新建立现实生活的体验。
4、The princess looked at him, not comprehending his words, but comforted by the expression of sympathetic suffering in his face.───公爵XiaoJie看着他,虽不明白他说的话,但他脸上的同情而难受的表情使她感到欣慰。
5、There was an eerie silence all around as we watched in shock, hardly comprehending just what was happening.───当我们听到这个消息时,周围一片诡异的安静,被震惊的难以理解究竟发生了什么。
6、Noise in classrooms can only exacerbate their difficulty in comprehending and processing verbal communication with other children and instructions from the teacher.───里的噪音只会加剧他们与其他孩子的口头交流和对老师的指令的理解和处理的困难。
7、Bridge the front is a pair of contacts, comprehending the position to the help very meaningfully.───桥前是双触,对于帮助理解位置很有意义。
8、She often had trouble comprehending them.───她经常觉得他们费解。
9、Autistic spectrum disorders often result in major difficulties in comprehending verbal information and speech processing.───自闭症常常导致人们在理解言语信息和言语处理方面存在重大困难。
1、For the profound comprehending of Gibbs function and conditions of phase balance, the paper deduces one of the phase balance conditions is the chemical potential being equal in different phases.
2、Something we have known for many years is of deep importance in comprehending the world of the dying person.
3、Comprehending dynamic of Bovine Paratuberculosis and health status of the whole herd in time will actively contributes to control and prevent extension of Bovine Paratuberculosis.
4、As a school-age child, she encounters difficulties comprehending instructions.
5、Sharing here goes to extremes that foreigners have a hard time comprehending.
6、Comprehending Hegelian theory of tragedy must join together his philosophy thought.
7、Fully comprehending the imminent danger, Warren sent to General Meade for a division.
8、Computer simulation is the key to comprehending and controlling the full-scale industrial plant used in the chemical, oil, gas and electrical power industries.
9、Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift. Albert Einstein
1、comprehending 911───了解911
2、comprehending synonym───理解同义词
3、comprehending noun───理解名词
4、comprehending time───理解时间
5、comprehending god───理解上帝
1、Then I have had a deeper understanding and comprehending to the Xiao Hong's life in her childhood and all her life.───对萧红的童年生活和生平,有了更加深切的了解和领悟。
2、We want you to quickly lift up to our levels of knowledge, as you do have a mind that is capable of comprehending advanced technology.───我们希望你们迅速地提升到我们的知识水平,因为你们的确拥有一个能够理解先进技术的心智。
3、Children use scripts as the primary means of anticipating, comprehending, and re-creating real-life experience.───儿童使用脚本作为主要手段,预测,理解,并重新建立现实生活的体验。
4、The princess looked at him, not comprehending his words, but comforted by the expression of sympathetic suffering in his face.───公爵XiaoJie看着他,虽不明白他说的话,但他脸上的同情而难受的表情使她感到欣慰。
5、There was an eerie silence all around as we watched in shock, hardly comprehending just what was happening.───当我们听到这个消息时,周围一片诡异的安静,被震惊的难以理解究竟发生了什么。
6、Noise in classrooms can only exacerbate their difficulty in comprehending and processing verbal communication with other children and instructions from the teacher.───里的噪音只会加剧他们与其他孩子的口头交流和对老师的指令的理解和处理的困难。
7、Bridge the front is a pair of contacts, comprehending the position to the help very meaningfully.───桥前是双触,对于帮助理解位置很有意义。
8、She often had trouble comprehending them.───她经常觉得他们费解。
9、Autistic spectrum disorders often result in major difficulties in comprehending verbal information and speech processing.───自闭症常常导致人们在理解言语信息和言语处理方面存在重大困难。
1、For the profound comprehending of Gibbs function and conditions of phase balance, the paper deduces one of the phase balance conditions is the chemical potential being equal in different phases.
2、Something we have known for many years is of deep importance in comprehending the world of the dying person.
3、Comprehending dynamic of Bovine Paratuberculosis and health status of the whole herd in time will actively contributes to control and prevent extension of Bovine Paratuberculosis.
4、As a school-age child, she encounters difficulties comprehending instructions.
5、Sharing here goes to extremes that foreigners have a hard time comprehending.
6、Comprehending Hegelian theory of tragedy must join together his philosophy thought.
7、Fully comprehending the imminent danger, Warren sent to General Meade for a division.
8、Computer simulation is the key to comprehending and controlling the full-scale industrial plant used in the chemical, oil, gas and electrical power industries.
9、Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift. Albert Einstein