1、The next step is to define a specific interface for the application code to use the library.───下一步就是为这个应用代码定义一个特定的接口,以使用这个库。
2、First, we have to decide that there needs to be a specific interface that defines the methods of the Business Delegate itself.───首先,我们必须决定需要有一个特定的接口以定义商业代表本身的方法。
3、Users of the managed class can invoke methods and properties of the managed type without first casting to a specific interface.───托管类的用户可以调用托管类型的方法和属性,而无须首先转换到特定的接口。
4、A properly implemented control should not assume that an adapter is attached, or that the attached adapter implements a specific interface.───一个正确实现的控件不应假定附加了适配器,也不应假定附加的适配器实现了某一特定接口。
5、The service element associates an address for the Web service with a specific interface and binding.───service元素将Web服务的DiZhi与特定的接口和绑定相关联。
6、Defines the networking parameters for a specific interface.───定义特定接口的连网参数。
7、Unlike the case of selection providers, there is no specific interface for property change providers to implement.───与选择提供器的情况不同,属性改变提供器不需要实现特定的接口。
8、Contains the character maps and system calls necessary to present a culture-specific interface to a UNIX user.───包含向UNIX用户展现特定于文化的界面所需的字符映射和XiTong调用。
9、You can view the specific interface Settings using either ifconfig or lsattr.───您可以使用ifconfig或lsattr来查看特定接口的设置。
specific interface(意思翻译)
specific interface(相似词语短语)
2、specific issues───具体问题;特定问题
3、specific targets───具体目标
4、communication interface───[通信][计]通信接口
5、abutment interface───桥台界面
6、specific resistance───[电]比电阻;电阻系数;比电阻,电阻率,电阻系数
7、solidity interface───固体界面
8、specific gravity───[物]比重
9、specific way───具体方式;特定方式
specific interface(双语使用场景)
1、The next step is to define a specific interface for the application code to use the library.───下一步就是为这个应用代码定义一个特定的接口,以使用这个库。
2、First, we have to decide that there needs to be a specific interface that defines the methods of the Business Delegate itself.───首先,我们必须决定需要有一个特定的接口以定义商业代表本身的方法。
3、Users of the managed class can invoke methods and properties of the managed type without first casting to a specific interface.───托管类的用户可以调用托管类型的方法和属性,而无须首先转换到特定的接口。
4、A properly implemented control should not assume that an adapter is attached, or that the attached adapter implements a specific interface.───一个正确实现的控件不应假定附加了适配器,也不应假定附加的适配器实现了某一特定接口。
5、The service element associates an address for the Web service with a specific interface and binding.───service元素将Web服务的DiZhi与特定的接口和绑定相关联。
6、Defines the networking parameters for a specific interface.───定义特定接口的连网参数。
7、Unlike the case of selection providers, there is no specific interface for property change providers to implement.───与选择提供器的情况不同,属性改变提供器不需要实现特定的接口。
8、Contains the character maps and system calls necessary to present a culture-specific interface to a UNIX user.───包含向UNIX用户展现特定于文化的界面所需的字符映射和XiTong调用。
9、You can view the specific interface Settings using either ifconfig or lsattr.───您可以使用ifconfig或lsattr来查看特定接口的设置。