1、The handkerchief is edged with lace.───这条手绢镶着网眼花边。
2、By the close of the film, which incorporates a long interview with her husband, she was dabbing a handkerchief to her face.───在影片快结束时,有一大段对她丈夫的采访,她拿着一块手帕不断轻轻擦着眼泪。
3、dabbed at the cut with his handkerchief.───手帕轻轻按了按伤口。
4、The differences were that her long and loose hair was bound by a handkerchief and a pair of sandal was on her feet.───所不同的是披散的长发用个手绢束住,脚上也多了一双拖鞋。
5、Edward was lying in bed on his back, with a handkerchief bound round his jaw to hold it up, his hands crossed.───爱德华仰躺在床上,有一条手帕绑着他的下巴颏,使其不致落下;他的双手交叉着。
6、The charge is based on the fact that she no longer has a handkerchief Othello gave her as a token of his love.───电荷是基于这样一个事实,她不再有手帕奥赛罗给了他她他的爱的象征。
7、I stared at her in amazement and, pulling the handkerchief out of my pocket, handed it to her.───我惊异地凝视着她,从口袋里掏出那条手帕,递给她。
8、pressed a handkerchief to his nose.───手绢捂住鼻子。
9、The captain of the company, tucking his sword under his arm, produced a handkerchief and began to bind with it the lieutenant's wound.───公司的船长,挤进他的剑下他的臂,生产一个手帕,开始用它包扎陆军中尉的伤口。
1、I couldn't find the handkerchief anywhere.
2、He polished his spectacles with a handkerchief.
3、The girl dabbed her eyes with the handkerchief.
4、She placed the handkerchief on a piece of paper to dry on the radiator.
5、He blew his nose in his handkerchief.
6、She fumbled in her pocket for a handkerchief.
7、She flicked the dust away from her shoes with a handkerchief.
8、He pulled a dirty handkerchief out by its corner and waved it at me.
1、handkerchief dress───手帕裙
2、handkerchief definition───手帕定义
3、knotted handkerchief───打结手帕
4、handkerchief black───手帕黑
5、handkerchief art───手帕艺术
6、handkerchief face mask───手帕面罩
7、handkerchief hem───手帕下摆
8、handkerchief shirts───手帕衬衫
9、handkerchief curtain───手帕帘
1、The handkerchief is edged with lace.───这条手绢镶着网眼花边。
2、By the close of the film, which incorporates a long interview with her husband, she was dabbing a handkerchief to her face.───在影片快结束时,有一大段对她丈夫的采访,她拿着一块手帕不断轻轻擦着眼泪。
3、dabbed at the cut with his handkerchief.───手帕轻轻按了按伤口。
4、The differences were that her long and loose hair was bound by a handkerchief and a pair of sandal was on her feet.───所不同的是披散的长发用个手绢束住,脚上也多了一双拖鞋。
5、Edward was lying in bed on his back, with a handkerchief bound round his jaw to hold it up, his hands crossed.───爱德华仰躺在床上,有一条手帕绑着他的下巴颏,使其不致落下;他的双手交叉着。
6、The charge is based on the fact that she no longer has a handkerchief Othello gave her as a token of his love.───电荷是基于这样一个事实,她不再有手帕奥赛罗给了他她他的爱的象征。
7、I stared at her in amazement and, pulling the handkerchief out of my pocket, handed it to her.───我惊异地凝视着她,从口袋里掏出那条手帕,递给她。
8、pressed a handkerchief to his nose.───手绢捂住鼻子。
9、The captain of the company, tucking his sword under his arm, produced a handkerchief and began to bind with it the lieutenant's wound.───公司的船长,挤进他的剑下他的臂,生产一个手帕,开始用它包扎陆军中尉的伤口。
1、I couldn't find the handkerchief anywhere.
2、He polished his spectacles with a handkerchief.
3、The girl dabbed her eyes with the handkerchief.
4、She placed the handkerchief on a piece of paper to dry on the radiator.
5、He blew his nose in his handkerchief.
6、She fumbled in her pocket for a handkerchief.
7、She flicked the dust away from her shoes with a handkerchief.
8、He pulled a dirty handkerchief out by its corner and waved it at me.
9、Yes, it's my handkerchief.