1、Typical bullies have negative attitudes toward others, feel badly about themselves, and most likely grew up in a home with conflict.───典型的欺凌者对他人持有消极态度,并且自我感觉不好,他们很可能是成长于一个矛盾的家庭。
2、You can either learn to let go of your negative emotions, or you can keep doing what you've been doing up until this point.───你可以试着学会让你的消极情感过去,或者你也可以持续做你手头的工作直到痛苦过去。
3、His response was negative.───他的回答是否定的。
4、The next step after the negative plaster casting is to produce a final positive plaster casting.───石膏后的负面铸造下一步是产生一个最终的积极石膏铸件。
5、Dr. Velayati gave a vague but negative response.───韦拉亚提医生做出了一个含糊但否定的答复。
6、They received a negative reply.───他们得到一个否定的答复。
7、If an adult doesn't give them any feedback at all, this is often equal to negative feedback in the Feeling child's mind.───情感型的孩子需要听到这些回应,在他们的小脑袋里,往往没有消息就等于坏消息。
8、"If it turns out that Google was just being used to thwart Microsoft, I think the investor reaction will be very negative, " he said.───“如果最终结果是谷歌仅仅被当作对抗微软的一个工具,我认为投资者的反应将是极度失望,”他说道。
9、People are more open about their desire to be attractive, and plastic surgery no longer has a negative connotation.───人们更加不避讳谈及变漂亮的渴望,而整形手术也不再有负面联想。
1、Typical bullies have negative attitudes toward others, feel badly about themselves, and most likely grew up in a home with conflict.───典型的欺凌者对他人持有消极态度,并且自我感觉不好,他们很可能是成长于一个矛盾的家庭。
2、You can either learn to let go of your negative emotions, or you can keep doing what you've been doing up until this point.───你可以试着学会让你的消极情感过去,或者你也可以持续做你手头的工作直到痛苦过去。
3、His response was negative.───他的回答是否定的。
4、The next step after the negative plaster casting is to produce a final positive plaster casting.───石膏后的负面铸造下一步是产生一个最终的积极石膏铸件。
5、Dr. Velayati gave a vague but negative response.───韦拉亚提医生做出了一个含糊但否定的答复。
6、They received a negative reply.───他们得到一个否定的答复。
7、If an adult doesn't give them any feedback at all, this is often equal to negative feedback in the Feeling child's mind.───情感型的孩子需要听到这些回应,在他们的小脑袋里,往往没有消息就等于坏消息。
8、"If it turns out that Google was just being used to thwart Microsoft, I think the investor reaction will be very negative, " he said.───“如果最终结果是谷歌仅仅被当作对抗微软的一个工具,我认为投资者的反应将是极度失望,”他说道。
9、People are more open about their desire to be attractive, and plastic surgery no longer has a negative connotation.───人们更加不避讳谈及变漂亮的渴望,而整形手术也不再有负面联想。