1、Reconstruction Model of Network Management Working, Enhancing Efficiency of Operation and Maintenance System───改造WangGuan作业模式提高运维体系效能
2、Designed a simple process device of hoister cylinder rope slot. The device has simple structure and high efficiency of operation.───的需要和对绳槽的要求,设计了一套绳槽加工装置,结构简单,Cao作方便,加工效率高。
3、as take the advantage of the capital , information , human resource so it enhances the efficiency of operation and lowers the cost.───同时有效发挥资金、信息、人才优势,因此大大提高了经营效率,降低了经营成本。
4、Insufficient funds lead to poor maintenance, low efficiency of operation and operating deficits.───资金的不足导致缺乏维护、运营低效率和运营赤字。
5、Research on Quantitative Evaluation of Time Efficiency of Operation and Command───作战指挥时效性指标定量评估方法研究
6、The DBO project delivery approach is considered to optimize project life-cycle costs and improve the efficiency of operation of facilities.───DBO模式被认为具有优化项目全生命周期费用,提高设施运营效率的作用。
efficiency of operation(意思翻译)
efficiency of operation(相似词语短语)
1、allocation efficiency───配置效率;[财]分配效能
4、fostering efficiency───培养效率
5、bicycling efficiency───自行车效率
6、coulombic efficiency───库仑效率
7、hours of operation───运营时间;工作时间;营业时间;Cao作时间
8、basement efficiency───单间配套的地下公寓房
9、efficiency of───……的效率
efficiency of operation(双语使用场景)
1、Reconstruction Model of Network Management Working, Enhancing Efficiency of Operation and Maintenance System───改造WangGuan作业模式提高运维体系效能
2、Designed a simple process device of hoister cylinder rope slot. The device has simple structure and high efficiency of operation.───的需要和对绳槽的要求,设计了一套绳槽加工装置,结构简单,Cao作方便,加工效率高。
3、as take the advantage of the capital , information , human resource so it enhances the efficiency of operation and lowers the cost.───同时有效发挥资金、信息、人才优势,因此大大提高了经营效率,降低了经营成本。
4、Insufficient funds lead to poor maintenance, low efficiency of operation and operating deficits.───资金的不足导致缺乏维护、运营低效率和运营赤字。
5、Research on Quantitative Evaluation of Time Efficiency of Operation and Command───作战指挥时效性指标定量评估方法研究
6、The DBO project delivery approach is considered to optimize project life-cycle costs and improve the efficiency of operation of facilities.───DBO模式被认为具有优化项目全生命周期费用,提高设施运营效率的作用。