1、As a thought exercise, co-evolution has been around for less than a decade, or as much as 30 years, depending on who you ask.───作为一种SiChao,联合进化理论已经出现了至少十年,或者将近30年——这基于你向谁提出这个问题。
2、is NOT part of the language co-evolution.───并不是协调演化语言的一部分。
3、Uncertainty; cooperation mechanism; co-evolution mechanism; theory of the firm; contacts.───不确定性;合作机制;合作演化机制;企业理论;交往。
4、And yet we have not even begun to grasp the implications of human-technology co-evolution.───而至今我们也还没有了解人与技术协同进化将意味着什么。
5、emerging technology; co-evolution; capability of firm; market demand; supporting environment.───新兴技术;共生演化;企业能力;市场需求;配套环境。
6、illustrate briefly the mechanism of cultural formation and transition; indicate the co-evolution relationship between culture and economy.───简单说明了文化的形成和变迁的机制以及文化与经济共生演化的观点。
7、are many variations on the basic theory of co-evolution.───在联合进化的基础理论之上,衍生出了很多不同的流派。
8、The suggestion of a co-evolution between people and domesticated animals is not new.───这种认为在人和驯养动物之间存在共同进化的观点并不是新鲜的。
9、The emerging theory has a nifty, Darwinist buzzword: co-evolution.───这个新兴的理论有一个俏皮的,达尔文式的术语,叫做联合进化。
1、When scientists delve into studies of the co-evolution of plants and their pollinators, they have something of a chicken/egg problem—which evolved first, the plant or its pollinator?
2、In co-evolution terms it means that herbivorous dinosaurs may have grown large as a means of attaining thermal stability.
3、When bilinguals are taken into account, the models allow for a co-evolution of two languages, such as Galician and Castillian in north west Spain.
1、purloin evolution───盗贼进化
3、co───n.(Co)人名;(中)措(藏语·汉语拼音);abbr.一氧化碳(carbonmonoxide);哥伦比亚 (Colombia);现付票 (Cash Order);货源证书 (Certificateof Origin)
4、gradualism evolution───渐进进化论
5、darwinian evolution───达尔文进化论
6、angiosperm evolution───被子植物进化
7、breaker evolution───破胶剂演化
8、theistic evolution───有神进化论
9、reticulate evolution───n.[进化]网状进化
1、As a thought exercise, co-evolution has been around for less than a decade, or as much as 30 years, depending on who you ask.───作为一种SiChao,联合进化理论已经出现了至少十年,或者将近30年——这基于你向谁提出这个问题。
2、is NOT part of the language co-evolution.───并不是协调演化语言的一部分。
3、Uncertainty; cooperation mechanism; co-evolution mechanism; theory of the firm; contacts.───不确定性;合作机制;合作演化机制;企业理论;交往。
4、And yet we have not even begun to grasp the implications of human-technology co-evolution.───而至今我们也还没有了解人与技术协同进化将意味着什么。
5、emerging technology; co-evolution; capability of firm; market demand; supporting environment.───新兴技术;共生演化;企业能力;市场需求;配套环境。
6、illustrate briefly the mechanism of cultural formation and transition; indicate the co-evolution relationship between culture and economy.───简单说明了文化的形成和变迁的机制以及文化与经济共生演化的观点。
7、are many variations on the basic theory of co-evolution.───在联合进化的基础理论之上,衍生出了很多不同的流派。
8、The suggestion of a co-evolution between people and domesticated animals is not new.───这种认为在人和驯养动物之间存在共同进化的观点并不是新鲜的。
9、The emerging theory has a nifty, Darwinist buzzword: co-evolution.───这个新兴的理论有一个俏皮的,达尔文式的术语,叫做联合进化。
1、When scientists delve into studies of the co-evolution of plants and their pollinators, they have something of a chicken/egg problem—which evolved first, the plant or its pollinator?
2、In co-evolution terms it means that herbivorous dinosaurs may have grown large as a means of attaining thermal stability.
3、When bilinguals are taken into account, the models allow for a co-evolution of two languages, such as Galician and Castillian in north west Spain.