1、The 14th Amendment ensured that the Constitution's Fifth Amendment, which requires due process, applies to state governments as well.───第十四条修正案保证宪法第五条修正案有关正当法律程序的规定也适用于州政府。
2、It has ruled against companies being allowed to take the fifth amendment (against self-incrimination).───法院已经否决了公司可以适用第五修正案(反对自证其罪)。
3、It was late, I was late and if anyone asked me how fast I was driving, I'd have to plead the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination.───我动身又晚了,如果有人问我行驶速度有多快,我得求助于美国宪法的第五条修正案,以免自证其罪。
4、To receive Fifth Amendment protection, a communication must be coerced and must be testimonial in nature.───要想得到第五条修正案的保护,通讯或交流必须是胁迫进行的,还必须是证明性质的。
5、However, in a civil case, unlike in a criminal case, invoking the Fifth Amendment can be held against you by a judge or jury.───不过,与刑事案件审理不同的是,在民事案件审理中援引第五修正案将使法官或陪审团对被告不利。
6、Enron Chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay took the Fifth Amendment during his congressional testimony.───安然董事会ZhuXi兼总监肯尼迪·雷在国会听证会上使用了修正案第五条,拒绝回答问题。
7、I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth amendment Richard m.───我要你DiZhi它,让他们请求第五次修改理查德m。
8、MRP might struggle to convince a court that it has satisfied the "just compensation" clause of the fifth amendment.───MRP可能要向法庭努力证明它满足第五修正案的“公正补偿”条款。
fifth amendment(英语使用场景)
1、She also argued that under the Fifth Amendment, the government owed her compensation for seizing property that was partly hers.
2、To receive Fifth Amendment protection, a communication must be coerced and must be testimonial in nature.
3、The Fifth Amendment protection against self - incrimination means that the defendant does not have to testify.
4、The Fifth Amendment does not specify value or use.
5、To plead the fifth amendment or to take the fifth amendment.
6、Boelens invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination when he refused to answer questions at a creditors meeting on Monday.
7、Simpson can not invoke Fifth Amendment protection for himself because he already has been acquitted of murder.
8、Moreover, the Fifth Amendment also guarantees that no person shall be deprived of liberty without due process of law.
9、Lileikis has tried unsuccessfully to assert a Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination rather than answer allegations in the suit.
fifth amendment(意思翻译)
fifth amendment(相似词语短语)
1、protocol amendment───草案补正
2、22 amendment───22修正案
3、13 amendment───13修正案
4、three fifth───五分之三
6、fifth wheel───第五个轮子;备用轮;多余的人;n.多余的事物或人
7、amendment to───修正案
9、flatted fifth───平顶五分之一
fifth amendment(双语使用场景)
1、The 14th Amendment ensured that the Constitution's Fifth Amendment, which requires due process, applies to state governments as well.───第十四条修正案保证宪法第五条修正案有关正当法律程序的规定也适用于州政府。
2、It has ruled against companies being allowed to take the fifth amendment (against self-incrimination).───法院已经否决了公司可以适用第五修正案(反对自证其罪)。
3、It was late, I was late and if anyone asked me how fast I was driving, I'd have to plead the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination.───我动身又晚了,如果有人问我行驶速度有多快,我得求助于美国宪法的第五条修正案,以免自证其罪。
4、To receive Fifth Amendment protection, a communication must be coerced and must be testimonial in nature.───要想得到第五条修正案的保护,通讯或交流必须是胁迫进行的,还必须是证明性质的。
5、However, in a civil case, unlike in a criminal case, invoking the Fifth Amendment can be held against you by a judge or jury.───不过,与刑事案件审理不同的是,在民事案件审理中援引第五修正案将使法官或陪审团对被告不利。
6、Enron Chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay took the Fifth Amendment during his congressional testimony.───安然董事会ZhuXi兼总监肯尼迪·雷在国会听证会上使用了修正案第五条,拒绝回答问题。
7、I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth amendment Richard m.───我要你DiZhi它,让他们请求第五次修改理查德m。
8、MRP might struggle to convince a court that it has satisfied the "just compensation" clause of the fifth amendment.───MRP可能要向法庭努力证明它满足第五修正案的“公正补偿”条款。
fifth amendment(英语使用场景)
1、She also argued that under the Fifth Amendment, the government owed her compensation for seizing property that was partly hers.
2、To receive Fifth Amendment protection, a communication must be coerced and must be testimonial in nature.
3、The Fifth Amendment protection against self - incrimination means that the defendant does not have to testify.
4、The Fifth Amendment does not specify value or use.
5、To plead the fifth amendment or to take the fifth amendment.
6、Boelens invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination when he refused to answer questions at a creditors meeting on Monday.
7、Simpson can not invoke Fifth Amendment protection for himself because he already has been acquitted of murder.
8、Moreover, the Fifth Amendment also guarantees that no person shall be deprived of liberty without due process of law.
9、Lileikis has tried unsuccessfully to assert a Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination rather than answer allegations in the suit.