1、Sometimes, I was fortunate enough to awaken to the sound of his voice in the next room.───有时,我够幸运被隔壁房间里他发出的声音吵醒。
2、You've always been a medium and now it's time to awaken to that energy again.───你一直是灵媒,现在是时候再次醒悟那能量了。
3、We desire you to awaken to the drudgery of your existence which deprives your soul of food for growth.───我们希望你们觉醒到你们生存中那繁重单调的苦工,这剥夺了你们灵魂成长的食粮。
4、Many in the scientific community are beginning to awaken to the now blatant "oddities" in ocean temperatures and weather patterns.───在科学界已有很多人开始意识到我们星球的海洋温度的不寻常变化和气候的变迁。
5、Let's also awaken to appreciation of the great Earth now!───让我们也懂得感谢伟大的地球吧!
6、Yet many who follow the issue believe that's what it will take to force Americans to awaken to the threat.───然而许多关注此项问题的人认为,惨重损失将迫使美国人醒悟到威胁降临。
7、You My Beloveds wanted to be a part of that Light that helped them awaken to a new reality of love, compassion, peace and tolerance.───你亲爱的孩子们想成为一个为光的一部分,帮助他们觉悟到了爱,慈悲,和平与宽容的新现实。
8、As you enter into the Magical realms of the Sixth Dimension, you once again awaken to the Creative Power of Myths, Archetypes and Stories.───当你进入第六次元的魔法实相,你也将在神话、范型与故事的创造神力当中苏醒。
9、Instead of letting your life go by without living it, you awaken to experience.───不要让生命流逝而没有活过,你要苏醒过来去体验。
awaken to(英语使用场景)
1、The British never awaken to peril until it is almost too late.
2、This New Age is one of awakened consciousness where people give up their limited third-dimensional survival mode of existence and awaken to a higher, more enlightened world.
3、It is nature's great act of faith that she lets these jewels sleep and trusts they will awaken, to return to paint and perfume our world in floral glary all over again in the coming year.
4、Finally I desire you to awaken to the Oneness in all things.
5、As literacy proprietors awaken to the failure of their dreams and the aridity of their ideals, they join in coalitions.
awaken to(意思翻译)
awaken to(相似词语短语)
1、to want to───想要
2、mons awaken apk mod───mons唤醒apk mod
3、to to link───到链接
5、half awaken───半醒
6、mons awaken apk───猴子醒了
7、awaken the dawn───唤醒黎明
8、mons awaken mod───蒙斯觉醒反对
awaken to(双语使用场景)
1、Sometimes, I was fortunate enough to awaken to the sound of his voice in the next room.───有时,我够幸运被隔壁房间里他发出的声音吵醒。
2、You've always been a medium and now it's time to awaken to that energy again.───你一直是灵媒,现在是时候再次醒悟那能量了。
3、We desire you to awaken to the drudgery of your existence which deprives your soul of food for growth.───我们希望你们觉醒到你们生存中那繁重单调的苦工,这剥夺了你们灵魂成长的食粮。
4、Many in the scientific community are beginning to awaken to the now blatant "oddities" in ocean temperatures and weather patterns.───在科学界已有很多人开始意识到我们星球的海洋温度的不寻常变化和气候的变迁。
5、Let's also awaken to appreciation of the great Earth now!───让我们也懂得感谢伟大的地球吧!
6、Yet many who follow the issue believe that's what it will take to force Americans to awaken to the threat.───然而许多关注此项问题的人认为,惨重损失将迫使美国人醒悟到威胁降临。
7、You My Beloveds wanted to be a part of that Light that helped them awaken to a new reality of love, compassion, peace and tolerance.───你亲爱的孩子们想成为一个为光的一部分,帮助他们觉悟到了爱,慈悲,和平与宽容的新现实。
8、As you enter into the Magical realms of the Sixth Dimension, you once again awaken to the Creative Power of Myths, Archetypes and Stories.───当你进入第六次元的魔法实相,你也将在神话、范型与故事的创造神力当中苏醒。
9、Instead of letting your life go by without living it, you awaken to experience.───不要让生命流逝而没有活过,你要苏醒过来去体验。
awaken to(英语使用场景)
1、The British never awaken to peril until it is almost too late.
2、This New Age is one of awakened consciousness where people give up their limited third-dimensional survival mode of existence and awaken to a higher, more enlightened world.
3、It is nature's great act of faith that she lets these jewels sleep and trusts they will awaken, to return to paint and perfume our world in floral glary all over again in the coming year.
4、Finally I desire you to awaken to the Oneness in all things.
5、As literacy proprietors awaken to the failure of their dreams and the aridity of their ideals, they join in coalitions.