1、In any case, just because Nike shoes and Coke cans are for sale, it doesn't mean you have to buy them-even globalization can not deprive the individual of his free will.───不管怎么说,虽然耐克鞋和听装可乐是待售的,但是并不意味着你必须去买他们。即使是全球化也不能剥夺个人意愿。
2、And since Tigers returning to the links at the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational, Nike Golf has offered TW another Free-soled set of spikes, this time in white.───既然老虎返回链接的普利司通邀请赛,耐克高尔夫提供了另一个免费的独家的荃湾设置峰值,此时在白色。
nike free(意思翻译)
nike free(相似词语短语)
1、nike tessen───没有什么
2、nike trail───耐克步道
3、daybreak nike───黎明耐克
4、nike sportswear───耐克运动服
5、Nike air───耐克空气
6、extorting nike───勒索耐克
7、samothrace nike───萨莫特拉斯耐克
8、nike running───耐克跑步
9、nike arrowz───耐克箭头
nike free(双语使用场景)
1、In any case, just because Nike shoes and Coke cans are for sale, it doesn't mean you have to buy them-even globalization can not deprive the individual of his free will.───不管怎么说,虽然耐克鞋和听装可乐是待售的,但是并不意味着你必须去买他们。即使是全球化也不能剥夺个人意愿。
2、And since Tigers returning to the links at the WGC-Bridgestone Invitational, Nike Golf has offered TW another Free-soled set of spikes, this time in white.───既然老虎返回链接的普利司通邀请赛,耐克高尔夫提供了另一个免费的独家的荃湾设置峰值,此时在白色。