1、In fact, the entire Eclipse IDE is built to be just a big collection of plug-ins.───事实上,整个EclipseIDE就是被构建为一个大的插件集合。
2、This means additional plug-in dependencies need to be applied to support editing in the Eclipse IDE.───这意味着,在EclipseIDE中需要应用附加的插件附件,以支持编辑。
3、The Eclipse IDE comes with templates you can use to quickly create plug-in projects that include help in the form of HTML files.───您可以使用EclipseIDE附带的模板快速创建包含HTML文件格式的帮助的插件项目。
4、Installation Manager will check if the Eclipse IDE version is valid for the package that you are installing.───InstallationManager将检查EclipseIDE版本对于要安装的软件包是否有效。
5、To extend an existing Eclipse IDE: in the Location page of the Install Packages wizard, select the Extend an existing Eclipse IDE option.───要对现有EclipseIDE进行扩展:在“安装软件包”向导的“位置”页中,选择扩展现有EclipseIDE选项。
6、This tutorial assumes familiarity with some basic concepts of the Eclipse IDE, and basic understanding of web service architecture.───本教程假设您对EclipseIDE的基本概念和web服务架构有一定了解。
1、zero eclipse───零月蚀
2、lunar eclipse 2020───2020年月食
3、eclipsed sun───日食
4、eclipse python───eclipse python
5、eclipse download───eclipse下载
7、grinding lyrics by eclipse───日蚀的歌词
8、authorizing with eclipse───用eclipse授权
9、solar eclipse───n.日食;n.[天]日食
10、eclipses in 2018───2018年日食
1、In fact, the entire Eclipse IDE is built to be just a big collection of plug-ins.───事实上,整个EclipseIDE就是被构建为一个大的插件集合。
2、This means additional plug-in dependencies need to be applied to support editing in the Eclipse IDE.───这意味着,在EclipseIDE中需要应用附加的插件附件,以支持编辑。
3、The Eclipse IDE comes with templates you can use to quickly create plug-in projects that include help in the form of HTML files.───您可以使用EclipseIDE附带的模板快速创建包含HTML文件格式的帮助的插件项目。
4、Installation Manager will check if the Eclipse IDE version is valid for the package that you are installing.───InstallationManager将检查EclipseIDE版本对于要安装的软件包是否有效。
5、To extend an existing Eclipse IDE: in the Location page of the Install Packages wizard, select the Extend an existing Eclipse IDE option.───要对现有EclipseIDE进行扩展:在“安装软件包”向导的“位置”页中,选择扩展现有EclipseIDE选项。
6、This tutorial assumes familiarity with some basic concepts of the Eclipse IDE, and basic understanding of web service architecture.───本教程假设您对EclipseIDE的基本概念和web服务架构有一定了解。