1、How good is it, when thou art reproved, to shew repentance! for so thou shalt escape wilful sin.───受责而表示悔改,是多麽美好!若能如此,你便可以躲避故意的罪。
2、But how good is it, in terms of giving patients relief from the pain, breathing difficulty and fatigue of chronic sinusitis?───但是,这种手术在给患者减轻呼吸困难和慢性鼻窦炎的痛苦方面究竟有多大的好处呢?
3、How good is it, when thou art reproved, to shew repentance! For so thou shalt escape wilful sin.───悔改,是多么美好!若能如此,你便可以躲避故意的罪。
4、You don't know how good it is.───你不知道它有多好。
5、First of all, how good is it?───首先,它有多好?
6、China is rapidly buying up Africa's oil, metals and farm produce. That fuels China's surging economic growth, but how good is it for Africa?───为更好的推动经济迅猛发展,中国正在全力收购非洲的石油,矿产以及农产品。然而,这样对于非洲有何益处?
7、The good time is over when you think, how good is it?───当你在想这时光有多好的时候,它已经过去。
how good is it(意思翻译)
how good is it(相似词语短语)
1、how fun it is───多有趣啊
2、how many is it───有多少
3、how good is───有多好
4、how is it───怎么样
5、how it is───怎么回事
6、how good it is───多好啊
7、how good───多好啊
8、is it good───好吗
9、how nice it is───多好啊
how good is it(双语使用场景)
1、How good is it, when thou art reproved, to shew repentance! for so thou shalt escape wilful sin.───受责而表示悔改,是多麽美好!若能如此,你便可以躲避故意的罪。
2、But how good is it, in terms of giving patients relief from the pain, breathing difficulty and fatigue of chronic sinusitis?───但是,这种手术在给患者减轻呼吸困难和慢性鼻窦炎的痛苦方面究竟有多大的好处呢?
3、How good is it, when thou art reproved, to shew repentance! For so thou shalt escape wilful sin.───悔改,是多么美好!若能如此,你便可以躲避故意的罪。
4、You don't know how good it is.───你不知道它有多好。
5、First of all, how good is it?───首先,它有多好?
6、China is rapidly buying up Africa's oil, metals and farm produce. That fuels China's surging economic growth, but how good is it for Africa?───为更好的推动经济迅猛发展,中国正在全力收购非洲的石油,矿产以及农产品。然而,这样对于非洲有何益处?
7、The good time is over when you think, how good is it?───当你在想这时光有多好的时候,它已经过去。