1、The worst I’ve heard about the damage to a Blackberry is the scratching it gets on the back if you spin it around on the table too many times.───我听过的关于黑莓手机毁坏最严重的一次是,如果你把手机在桌上旋转太多次的话,手机背上会有划痕。
2、Let the Great World Spin will sneak up on you.───转吧,这伟大的世界》会偷偷地接近你。
3、Sometimes you can find the best ideas by putting a new spin on an old idea.───有时,你能在一个很老的点子上整出一个非常棒的创意。
spin on you(意思翻译)
spin on you(相似词语短语)
1、on you───在你身上
2、spin doctor───起导向作用者;大话精;n.(善于公关、为政党出谋划策的)媒体顾问,YuLun导向专家
3、spin with you───和你一起旋转
5、lydian spin───吕迪安旋转
6、spin it───旋转它
7、spin kingpin───旋转主销
8、spin master───旋转大师
9、unique spin───独特的旋转
spin on you(双语使用场景)
1、The worst I’ve heard about the damage to a Blackberry is the scratching it gets on the back if you spin it around on the table too many times.───我听过的关于黑莓手机毁坏最严重的一次是,如果你把手机在桌上旋转太多次的话,手机背上会有划痕。
2、Let the Great World Spin will sneak up on you.───转吧,这伟大的世界》会偷偷地接近你。
3、Sometimes you can find the best ideas by putting a new spin on an old idea.───有时,你能在一个很老的点子上整出一个非常棒的创意。