1、The Analysis of 98 Cases Of Encysted Hydrothorax Developed from Tubercular Hydrothorax───结核性胸腔积液形成纤维包裹性积液98例分析
2、encysted Enclosed in a cyst or vesicle.───被囊的包在囊或小囊中的。
3、Experiment infection of rats with encysted metacercariae of Paragonimus heterotremus through hypodermic and muscle inoculation───异盘并殖吸虫两种途径感染大鼠的实验观察
4、Objective To explore the role of micro-tube drainage and intrapleural urokinase for patients with tuberculous loculated encysted pleurisy.───目的探讨微管引流并注入尿激酶治疗结核性多房包裹性胸腔积液的疗效。
5、Encysted parasites that have embedded themselves into the skin of the fish .───黑点实际上是嵌入鱼皮肤的带硬壳的寄生虫。
6、Investigation on the Infection of Encysted Metacercaria on Fresh Water Fish in Nanshan District of Shenzhen───深圳市南山区食用淡水鱼华支Gao吸虫囊蚴感染情况调查
7、Metacercariae may endure in the encysted state for several months.───活囊蚴可以在包囊状态中生活几个月。
8、Methods On the Day 17 after being infected with Trichinella spiralis, pre encysted larvae were collected and total RNA of the larvae was obtained.───方法大鼠感染旋毛虫后第17天收集成囊前期幼虫,提取虫体的总rna。
1、Objective To study the infection of freshwater fishes with the encysted metacercaria of Clonorchis sinensis.
2、Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.
3、After the two planting materials implants 26 weeks, formed same bone union-shape in the cortex bone, the surface was encysted by new lamellar bone.
4、Fresh water fish of the local ponds are not infected by encysted metacercaria, while fish from surrounding areas are infected.
5、Metacercariae may endure in the encysted state for several months.
6、Encysted metacercaria are susceptive to heat and can be killed in boiling water immediately.
7、The adult warm in liver of ducklines infected by encysted metacercaria could be separated.
8、Methods:The coiled shapes of Trichinella isolated ML were observed under microscopes, then the lengths and widths of ML encystment(encysted index)were measured at random by micrometer.
9、To study the infection of encysted metacercaria on fresh water fish in Nanshan District of Shenzhen and provide references for disease control units.
1、The Analysis of 98 Cases Of Encysted Hydrothorax Developed from Tubercular Hydrothorax───结核性胸腔积液形成纤维包裹性积液98例分析
2、encysted Enclosed in a cyst or vesicle.───被囊的包在囊或小囊中的。
3、Experiment infection of rats with encysted metacercariae of Paragonimus heterotremus through hypodermic and muscle inoculation───异盘并殖吸虫两种途径感染大鼠的实验观察
4、Objective To explore the role of micro-tube drainage and intrapleural urokinase for patients with tuberculous loculated encysted pleurisy.───目的探讨微管引流并注入尿激酶治疗结核性多房包裹性胸腔积液的疗效。
5、Encysted parasites that have embedded themselves into the skin of the fish .───黑点实际上是嵌入鱼皮肤的带硬壳的寄生虫。
6、Investigation on the Infection of Encysted Metacercaria on Fresh Water Fish in Nanshan District of Shenzhen───深圳市南山区食用淡水鱼华支Gao吸虫囊蚴感染情况调查
7、Metacercariae may endure in the encysted state for several months.───活囊蚴可以在包囊状态中生活几个月。
8、Methods On the Day 17 after being infected with Trichinella spiralis, pre encysted larvae were collected and total RNA of the larvae was obtained.───方法大鼠感染旋毛虫后第17天收集成囊前期幼虫,提取虫体的总rna。
1、Objective To study the infection of freshwater fishes with the encysted metacercaria of Clonorchis sinensis.
2、Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and make good sentences.
3、After the two planting materials implants 26 weeks, formed same bone union-shape in the cortex bone, the surface was encysted by new lamellar bone.
4、Fresh water fish of the local ponds are not infected by encysted metacercaria, while fish from surrounding areas are infected.
5、Metacercariae may endure in the encysted state for several months.
6、Encysted metacercaria are susceptive to heat and can be killed in boiling water immediately.
7、The adult warm in liver of ducklines infected by encysted metacercaria could be separated.
8、Methods:The coiled shapes of Trichinella isolated ML were observed under microscopes, then the lengths and widths of ML encystment(encysted index)were measured at random by micrometer.
9、To study the infection of encysted metacercaria on fresh water fish in Nanshan District of Shenzhen and provide references for disease control units.