6、difference between alligator and crocodile───鳄鱼和鳄鱼的区别
7、difference between psychiatrist&psychologist───精神病医生和心理学家的区别
8、split the difference───<非正>折中成交,差额各让一半; 折中妥协; 互相让步;折中;妥协
9、know the difference───知道差别
the difference between(双语使用场景)
1、I could not help but remark on the difference between the spirit of Madrid and that of Valencia or Barcelona.───我忍不住提起马德里与巴伦西亚或是巴塞罗那在士气上的区别。
2、Bhargavi Pottam writes from the American state of Pennsylvania to ask the difference between the GRE general test and subject tests.───美国的宾利法尼亚州的马格宾鲍特写信询问GRE普通考试和专项考试的区别。
3、It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions.───很难分辨出这两个版本有什么区别。
4、Can you spot the difference between these two pictures?───你能不能看出这两幅画有什么不同?
5、rootkit is properly installed, the administrator will not be able to tell the difference between the original and a modified program.───Rootkit是正确安装,管理员将无法告诉程序之间的差额原件和修改。
6、It's the difference between a pass and a fail.───这是及格和不及格的区别。
7、Use the front and rear and is the difference between the two locations are used to calculate the actual distance between the anchors.───用后、后两个场所之间差值用于筹算不退位标志之间本质间隔。
8、of the total investment and registered capital of the difference between SAIC will be part of the commission, through loans to help resolve.───总投资与注册资本的差额部分将由上汽集团通过委托贷款等方式帮助解决。
9、But a landmark new research paper underscores that the difference between a strong teacher and a weak teacher lasts a lifetime.───不过一篇权威的新闻研究报告强调,教师的优劣差别对于人的影响是一生的。
the difference between(英语使用场景)
1、The difference between the two is readily discernible.
2、The difference between the two estimates is marginal.
3、Many tourists cannot tell the difference between authentic Indian craftwork and imported imitations.
4、The difference between the two products is negligible.
5、Can you tell the difference between apes and monkeys?
6、What's the difference between A and B?A.
7、These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal.
8、The difference between internet and reality is so incredible.
9、The difference between successful persons and others is that they really act.
the difference between(意思翻译)
the difference between(相似词语短语)
1、difference between affect and effect───情感与效果的区别
2、tell the difference───识别
4、tell the difference between───区分(两者的)不同
5、between the line───在这条线之间
6、difference between alligator and crocodile───鳄鱼和鳄鱼的区别
7、difference between psychiatrist&psychologist───精神病医生和心理学家的区别
8、split the difference───<非正>折中成交,差额各让一半; 折中妥协; 互相让步;折中;妥协
9、know the difference───知道差别
the difference between(双语使用场景)
1、I could not help but remark on the difference between the spirit of Madrid and that of Valencia or Barcelona.───我忍不住提起马德里与巴伦西亚或是巴塞罗那在士气上的区别。
2、Bhargavi Pottam writes from the American state of Pennsylvania to ask the difference between the GRE general test and subject tests.───美国的宾利法尼亚州的马格宾鲍特写信询问GRE普通考试和专项考试的区别。
3、It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions.───很难分辨出这两个版本有什么区别。
4、Can you spot the difference between these two pictures?───你能不能看出这两幅画有什么不同?
5、rootkit is properly installed, the administrator will not be able to tell the difference between the original and a modified program.───Rootkit是正确安装,管理员将无法告诉程序之间的差额原件和修改。
6、It's the difference between a pass and a fail.───这是及格和不及格的区别。
7、Use the front and rear and is the difference between the two locations are used to calculate the actual distance between the anchors.───用后、后两个场所之间差值用于筹算不退位标志之间本质间隔。
8、of the total investment and registered capital of the difference between SAIC will be part of the commission, through loans to help resolve.───总投资与注册资本的差额部分将由上汽集团通过委托贷款等方式帮助解决。
9、But a landmark new research paper underscores that the difference between a strong teacher and a weak teacher lasts a lifetime.───不过一篇权威的新闻研究报告强调,教师的优劣差别对于人的影响是一生的。
the difference between(英语使用场景)
1、The difference between the two is readily discernible.
2、The difference between the two estimates is marginal.
3、Many tourists cannot tell the difference between authentic Indian craftwork and imported imitations.
4、The difference between the two products is negligible.
5、Can you tell the difference between apes and monkeys?
6、What's the difference between A and B?A.
7、These habits of thinking elide the difference between what is common and what is normal.
8、The difference between internet and reality is so incredible.
9、The difference between successful persons and others is that they really act.