1、Now , nobody wants to seem to claim superiority, and an agreeable effect of this is the greater informality of relationships all round.───现在没有人妄自尊大,其令人愉快的效果是,四周围关系更加随便融洽。
2、Each room is meticulously designed to be individual and romantic with an atmosphere of relaxed informality.───每间客房都经过了精心设计,在一种轻松的氛围中彰显个性与浪漫。
3、I'd never mistake informality for insolence, sir. One, I rather like. The other, nothing freeborn should ever submit to.───我绝不会把不拘礼节错当傲慢无理先生前者是我所喜欢的
4、She enjoyed the relative informality of island life.───她喜欢相对轻松随意的岛屿生活。
5、Christmas hats cartoon version was first used to be a pair of large red socks, size, informality.───圣诞帽卡通版最早以前是一对红色的大袜子,大小不拘。
6、A charming informality was one of the characteristics of this celebration .───没有客套,是这个晚会的特点之一。
7、In many other homes, this china and silver elegance has given way to a stoneware and stainless informality, with dresses assuming an equally casual Friday look.───在其他许多家庭中,这种瓷器和银色的优雅已经让位给石器和不锈钢的不正式,服装也同样呈现出周五休闲的样子。
8、This technique led to informality of pose and a sense of presence that was remarkable.───这一技术使被摄人物姿态变得随意,并带有突出的生动感。
9、But she liked his natural manner and informality.───不过她喜欢他那自然不做作的举止。
1、Encourage informality and a relaxed company climate.
2、Their charm and informality immediately won many hearts in circles high and low.
3、I should never mistake informality for insolence.
4、This informality is not simply neutral - the open ended product of a free association - but is directed against the formal.
5、His campaign hallmark is his informality and accessibility.
6、He was overwhelmed by their friendly informality.
7、Richardson's studied informality is quite annoying.
8、Their principal drawback lay in their informality, which demanded the constant supervision of an active King.
9、Eleanor enjoyed the relative informality of island life.
1、information literacy───信息素养;[医]信息素质是在工作中应用信息,学习信息技术,利用信息解决问题的能力,是人们知道什么时候需要信息并找到、评价及有效利用所需信息的能力。
2、virtuoso informally───非正式的
3、informative writing───信息写作
4、informal commands───非正式命令
5、informing data───通知数据
6、informing book───告知书
7、adding information───添加信息
8、unusually informed───异常通知
9、version information───版本信息
10、retrieving version information───正在检索版本信息
1、Now , nobody wants to seem to claim superiority, and an agreeable effect of this is the greater informality of relationships all round.───现在没有人妄自尊大,其令人愉快的效果是,四周围关系更加随便融洽。
2、Each room is meticulously designed to be individual and romantic with an atmosphere of relaxed informality.───每间客房都经过了精心设计,在一种轻松的氛围中彰显个性与浪漫。
3、I'd never mistake informality for insolence, sir. One, I rather like. The other, nothing freeborn should ever submit to.───我绝不会把不拘礼节错当傲慢无理先生前者是我所喜欢的
4、She enjoyed the relative informality of island life.───她喜欢相对轻松随意的岛屿生活。
5、Christmas hats cartoon version was first used to be a pair of large red socks, size, informality.───圣诞帽卡通版最早以前是一对红色的大袜子,大小不拘。
6、A charming informality was one of the characteristics of this celebration .───没有客套,是这个晚会的特点之一。
7、In many other homes, this china and silver elegance has given way to a stoneware and stainless informality, with dresses assuming an equally casual Friday look.───在其他许多家庭中,这种瓷器和银色的优雅已经让位给石器和不锈钢的不正式,服装也同样呈现出周五休闲的样子。
8、This technique led to informality of pose and a sense of presence that was remarkable.───这一技术使被摄人物姿态变得随意,并带有突出的生动感。
9、But she liked his natural manner and informality.───不过她喜欢他那自然不做作的举止。
1、Encourage informality and a relaxed company climate.
2、Their charm and informality immediately won many hearts in circles high and low.
3、I should never mistake informality for insolence.
4、This informality is not simply neutral - the open ended product of a free association - but is directed against the formal.
5、His campaign hallmark is his informality and accessibility.
6、He was overwhelmed by their friendly informality.
7、Richardson's studied informality is quite annoying.
8、Their principal drawback lay in their informality, which demanded the constant supervision of an active King.
9、Eleanor enjoyed the relative informality of island life.