1、The entire steel industry is in the hands of one company, the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (BHP).───整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯·希尔专卖有限公司。
2、steel frames of the kiosk serve as an adaptable armature for creativity in the hands of any chosen vendor.───在任何选定的供应商手中,售货亭的钢框架都会作为一个适应性强同时具有创新性的电枢装置。
3、His hands were covered in plaster dust as he stood beside the rubble, Shouting and weeping as he grabbed the exposed steel rebar of a broken concrete column.───他九岁大的儿子在倒塌的学校中丧生。他紧握着断裂的混凝土柱中露出的钢筋,手上沾满了白灰。
4、It's in the mighty hands of steel───它握在那强有力的钢铁的手里
hands of steel(英语使用场景)
1、But then hands of steel get hold of my ankles and start pulling at me - pulling pulling pulling.
hands of steel(意思翻译)
hands of steel(相似词语短语)
1、skanking hands───斯坎金手
2、outlines of hands───手的轮廓
3、man of steel───钢铁侠
4、nerves of steel───钢铁般的意志
5、show of hands───n.举手表决;举手表决;举手自告奋勇
6、steel───adj.钢制的;钢铁业的;坚强的;n. (Steel)(德)施特尔;(英)斯蒂尔(人名);n.钢铁;钢制品;坚固;vt.钢化;使冷酷
7、untiring pairs of hands───不屈不挠的双手
9、wash hands───洗手
hands of steel(双语使用场景)
1、The entire steel industry is in the hands of one company, the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (BHP).───整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯·希尔专卖有限公司。
2、steel frames of the kiosk serve as an adaptable armature for creativity in the hands of any chosen vendor.───在任何选定的供应商手中,售货亭的钢框架都会作为一个适应性强同时具有创新性的电枢装置。
3、His hands were covered in plaster dust as he stood beside the rubble, Shouting and weeping as he grabbed the exposed steel rebar of a broken concrete column.───他九岁大的儿子在倒塌的学校中丧生。他紧握着断裂的混凝土柱中露出的钢筋,手上沾满了白灰。
4、It's in the mighty hands of steel───它握在那强有力的钢铁的手里
hands of steel(英语使用场景)
1、But then hands of steel get hold of my ankles and start pulling at me - pulling pulling pulling.