1、for the window for which I built a storm window last year but never got around to putting in up because I was going to paint it first... too late now.───我去年为那窗户加装了一个老虎窗,但从来没有合上,因为我准备先油漆一下的……现在太迟了。
2、The more the model reflects the actual storm results, the greater confidence researchers have that a particular model can be used to paint a picture of what the future might look like.───模型越能反映风暴的实际数据,研究人员越有信心,该模型可以用来预测未来可能的状况。
paint storm(意思翻译)
paint storm(相似词语短语)
1、storm tamps───风暴夯
2、swirling storm───漩涡风暴
3、storm off───风暴起飞
4、euroclydon storm───欧洲克莱顿风暴
5、storm clouds───n.暴风云,动乱的预兆( storm cloud的名词复数 );暴风云,乌云;雨云
6、storm───n.暴风雨; 浪潮; 轰鸣;n.暴风雨;大动荡;v.突袭; 怒吼;vi.起风暴;横冲直撞;狂怒咆哮;n.(Storm)人名;(瑞典)斯托姆;(德)施托姆;(英、西、芬)斯托姆;vt.猛攻;怒骂
8、nicaragua storm───尼加拉瓜风暴
9、storm frank───弗兰克风暴
paint storm(双语使用场景)
1、for the window for which I built a storm window last year but never got around to putting in up because I was going to paint it first... too late now.───我去年为那窗户加装了一个老虎窗,但从来没有合上,因为我准备先油漆一下的……现在太迟了。
2、The more the model reflects the actual storm results, the greater confidence researchers have that a particular model can be used to paint a picture of what the future might look like.───模型越能反映风暴的实际数据,研究人员越有信心,该模型可以用来预测未来可能的状况。