1、Robust regression analysis and minimax residual error analysis are two aspects in data processing of dynamic measurement.───在动态测试数据处理中,常常要进行稳健回归分析和最小最大值回归分析。
2、paper dynamic measurement data processing is used to separate the results of measurement, systematic error and the random error.───本文拟通过动态测试数据处理来分离测量结果、XiTong误差和随机误差。
4、The dynamic measurement device can be installed indoors, outdoors or carried on vehicles to the site, thus achieving on-line detection.───可安装在室内、室外或车载到现场,容易地实现在线检测。
5、Error compensation is an effective approach to enhance dynamic measurement precision and error model is the key factor for the compensation.───误差修正是提高动态测量精度的有效途径,其中误差的建模是关键。
6、And the inductance sensor is one kind of position transmitter widely used in the present dynamic measurement.───其中电感式传感器是目前动态测量中用途较广的一种位移传感器。
7、The experimental results and engineering applications show that the dynamic measurement technique offered is feasible and effective.───试验和工程实践表明扣索内力的动态测试技术实施方便、结果可靠。
8、Also can be used with piston diaphragm made of a very dynamic measurement of high voltage, single capacitive pressure sensor.───还可以采取带活塞动极膜片制成测量高压的单电容式压力传感器。
9、Recorder in the process of dynamic measurement accuracy by record test best size of the error signal.───记录仪动态准确度的测量最好通过记录试验过程中的误差信号大小来实现。
dynamic measurement(英语使用场景)
1、In dynamic measurement field, when using digital speckle pattern interferometry, we always deal phase with time-average method and spatial carrier phase-shifting method.
2、The test of shock wave is a difficult problem in dynamic measurement.
3、The linearization accuracy is high; the range of dynamic measurement available is wide and it is capable of direct output of pulse width and frequency signals.
4、A number of shock waves, generated from simulating percussive drilling, have been measured using drop hammer test device and dynamic measurement system for shock wave.
5、The difference of static contact angles measured by the dynamic measurement technique from static measurement technique was interpreted by this model and the previous hysteresis tension model.
6、There is dynamic measurement error of electric power because of inherent inertia of the electric dynamometer.
7、This paper discusses the dynamic measurement of straightness for large scale guide rails.
8、High frequency modulation and phasic demodulation technologies are also used to improve the resolution in dynamic measurement.
9、The dynamic measurement is a non stationary random process varying with the measuring time. The dynamic measuring data have the characteristics of time variation, randomness, correlation and dynamic.
dynamic measurement(意思翻译)
dynamic measurement(相似词语短语)
2、carat measurement───克拉测量
3、group dynamic───群体动力
4、measurement chart───尺码表
5、dynamic abt───动态abt
6、dynamic braking───[机]动态制动;[机]动力制动;动力制动,动态制动
7、dynamic stretches───动态拉伸
8、dynamic poses───动态姿势
9、dynamic pricing───动态定价
dynamic measurement(双语使用场景)
1、Robust regression analysis and minimax residual error analysis are two aspects in data processing of dynamic measurement.───在动态测试数据处理中,常常要进行稳健回归分析和最小最大值回归分析。
2、paper dynamic measurement data processing is used to separate the results of measurement, systematic error and the random error.───本文拟通过动态测试数据处理来分离测量结果、XiTong误差和随机误差。
4、The dynamic measurement device can be installed indoors, outdoors or carried on vehicles to the site, thus achieving on-line detection.───可安装在室内、室外或车载到现场,容易地实现在线检测。
5、Error compensation is an effective approach to enhance dynamic measurement precision and error model is the key factor for the compensation.───误差修正是提高动态测量精度的有效途径,其中误差的建模是关键。
6、And the inductance sensor is one kind of position transmitter widely used in the present dynamic measurement.───其中电感式传感器是目前动态测量中用途较广的一种位移传感器。
7、The experimental results and engineering applications show that the dynamic measurement technique offered is feasible and effective.───试验和工程实践表明扣索内力的动态测试技术实施方便、结果可靠。
8、Also can be used with piston diaphragm made of a very dynamic measurement of high voltage, single capacitive pressure sensor.───还可以采取带活塞动极膜片制成测量高压的单电容式压力传感器。
9、Recorder in the process of dynamic measurement accuracy by record test best size of the error signal.───记录仪动态准确度的测量最好通过记录试验过程中的误差信号大小来实现。
dynamic measurement(英语使用场景)
1、In dynamic measurement field, when using digital speckle pattern interferometry, we always deal phase with time-average method and spatial carrier phase-shifting method.
2、The test of shock wave is a difficult problem in dynamic measurement.
3、The linearization accuracy is high; the range of dynamic measurement available is wide and it is capable of direct output of pulse width and frequency signals.
4、A number of shock waves, generated from simulating percussive drilling, have been measured using drop hammer test device and dynamic measurement system for shock wave.
5、The difference of static contact angles measured by the dynamic measurement technique from static measurement technique was interpreted by this model and the previous hysteresis tension model.
6、There is dynamic measurement error of electric power because of inherent inertia of the electric dynamometer.
7、This paper discusses the dynamic measurement of straightness for large scale guide rails.
8、High frequency modulation and phasic demodulation technologies are also used to improve the resolution in dynamic measurement.
9、The dynamic measurement is a non stationary random process varying with the measuring time. The dynamic measuring data have the characteristics of time variation, randomness, correlation and dynamic.