1、You didn't adapt your products to meet the standards of the foreign market.───你没能够就国外市场所要求的来适当地对你的商品做些适应市场标准的调整。
2、The contradiction could be resolved by recognizing that economic theory cannot meet the standards of Newtonian physics.───要解决这一矛盾,就需要认识到:经济学无法达到牛顿物理学的标准。
3、Only the athletes who have meet the standards of their respective projects will be admitted to take part in the competition .───只有达到他们各自项目同意标准的运动员才会被接受参加比赛。
4、The reading level of senior students cant't meet the standards of curriculums and the reform of English teaching.───高中学生现有的阅读水平已满足不了目前课程和高考英语改革的需要。
5、But if I can be dutiful to parents who hate me, only then will I meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.───但是如我的父母憎厌我,我还是能一样的孝敬他们,那才符合圣贤人行孝的标准。
6、We reject any suppliers that do not meet the standards of our community?───我们拒绝任何不符合我们团体标准的供应商
7、But because they didn't meet the standards of No Child Left Behind, Ricci's school was labeled as failing last year.───但是由于他们没有满足没有小孩被遗留的水准要求,里奇学校在去年被标认为失败的。
8、The quality of treated wastewater can meet the standards of wastewater reclamation and reuse.───处理过的废水的的质量可以满足废水回收和再次使用的标准。
9、strong research and production capability, the products can meet the standards of superb quality and diversification.───强大的研发能力和生产能力,能满足高品质、多样化的要求。
meet the standards of(英语使用场景)
1、These methods that how to meet the standards of electrical power supply, power waveform distortion to what extent and whether or not contaminated are discussed.
meet the standards of(意思翻译)
meet the standards of(相似词语短语)
1、the meet───见面会
2、industry standards───行业标准
3、meet the good───遇到好人
4、meet the match───遇到对手
6、meet meet───相遇相遇
7、standards of───……的标准
8、meet the need───满足需求;[法]满足需要
9、meet THE───认识
meet the standards of(双语使用场景)
1、You didn't adapt your products to meet the standards of the foreign market.───你没能够就国外市场所要求的来适当地对你的商品做些适应市场标准的调整。
2、The contradiction could be resolved by recognizing that economic theory cannot meet the standards of Newtonian physics.───要解决这一矛盾,就需要认识到:经济学无法达到牛顿物理学的标准。
3、Only the athletes who have meet the standards of their respective projects will be admitted to take part in the competition .───只有达到他们各自项目同意标准的运动员才会被接受参加比赛。
4、The reading level of senior students cant't meet the standards of curriculums and the reform of English teaching.───高中学生现有的阅读水平已满足不了目前课程和高考英语改革的需要。
5、But if I can be dutiful to parents who hate me, only then will I meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.───但是如我的父母憎厌我,我还是能一样的孝敬他们,那才符合圣贤人行孝的标准。
6、We reject any suppliers that do not meet the standards of our community?───我们拒绝任何不符合我们团体标准的供应商
7、But because they didn't meet the standards of No Child Left Behind, Ricci's school was labeled as failing last year.───但是由于他们没有满足没有小孩被遗留的水准要求,里奇学校在去年被标认为失败的。
8、The quality of treated wastewater can meet the standards of wastewater reclamation and reuse.───处理过的废水的的质量可以满足废水回收和再次使用的标准。
9、strong research and production capability, the products can meet the standards of superb quality and diversification.───强大的研发能力和生产能力,能满足高品质、多样化的要求。
meet the standards of(英语使用场景)
1、These methods that how to meet the standards of electrical power supply, power waveform distortion to what extent and whether or not contaminated are discussed.