1、John, dabbing at an injury on his chin that wouldn't stop bleeding, walked in on his wife striking the man on his head with a wooden spoon.───轻擦着下巴上一直流血的伤口,挡住了他妻子打向修理工头部的木调羹。
2、He used to carry forward to the wound wrapped in bandages to stop bleeding.───他用随身携带的绷带缠绕着将伤口止血。
3、My nose can't stop bleeding.───我的鼻子止不住地流血。
4、First stop bleeding.───先把血止住。
5、A condom can allow you to make a bandage to stop bleeding in an emergency situation.───在紧急情况下你可将套套做成绷带用来止血。
6、Therefore, the treatment offered to disintoxicating to removing extravasted blood, cooling blood to stop bleeding treatment of this disease.───故治疗上提出以解毒化瘀,凉血止血法治疗本病。
7、Dan bound the cloth around his head to stop bleeding.───丹用布包扎头部制止流血。
8、Conclusions: Endoscopic electrocoagulation to stop bleeding is a simple, painless, eutherapeutic method, and worthy to be popularized.───结论鼻内镜下电凝止血是一种Cao作简单、病痛小、疗效好的治疗方法,值得临床推广。
9、Kate kept calm and did something to stop bleeding.───凯特保持冷静,并采取了一些止血的措施。
stop bleeding(英语使用场景)
1、Host, precious jade reservoir already steep nice dry by air of datura flower petal, can stop bleeding for your pain in the town, instantly go to precious jade pond?
2、Tattoos, the application epinephrine and other cleaning or to stop bleeding.
3、Be able to stop bleeding Quyu, Runchang catharsis.
4、Conclusions:Endoscopic electrocoagulation to stop bleeding is a simple, painless, eutherapeutic method, and worthy to be popularized.
5、Vitamin K can stop bleeding, but large doses can cause a potentially fatal thrombosis.
6、Objective Debridement hepatectomy for severe hepatic injury was performed to stop bleeding.
7、Therefore, the treatment offered to disintoxicating to removing extravasted blood, cooling blood to stop bleeding treatment of this disease.
8、When those methods fail to stop bleeding, the obstetrician often considers a cesarean hysterectomy.
9、You can stop bleeding by applying pressure close to the injured area.
stop bleeding(意思翻译)
stop bleeding(相似词语短语)
1、gingival bleeding───牙龈出血
2、wart bleeding───疣出血
4、arterial bleeding───n.动脉出血
5、bleeding cool───流血很酷
6、nose bleeding───[体]流鼻血;鼻子出血
8、bleeding out───鲜血迸发
9、stop stop stop───停,停,停
stop bleeding(双语使用场景)
1、John, dabbing at an injury on his chin that wouldn't stop bleeding, walked in on his wife striking the man on his head with a wooden spoon.───轻擦着下巴上一直流血的伤口,挡住了他妻子打向修理工头部的木调羹。
2、He used to carry forward to the wound wrapped in bandages to stop bleeding.───他用随身携带的绷带缠绕着将伤口止血。
3、My nose can't stop bleeding.───我的鼻子止不住地流血。
4、First stop bleeding.───先把血止住。
5、A condom can allow you to make a bandage to stop bleeding in an emergency situation.───在紧急情况下你可将套套做成绷带用来止血。
6、Therefore, the treatment offered to disintoxicating to removing extravasted blood, cooling blood to stop bleeding treatment of this disease.───故治疗上提出以解毒化瘀,凉血止血法治疗本病。
7、Dan bound the cloth around his head to stop bleeding.───丹用布包扎头部制止流血。
8、Conclusions: Endoscopic electrocoagulation to stop bleeding is a simple, painless, eutherapeutic method, and worthy to be popularized.───结论鼻内镜下电凝止血是一种Cao作简单、病痛小、疗效好的治疗方法,值得临床推广。
9、Kate kept calm and did something to stop bleeding.───凯特保持冷静,并采取了一些止血的措施。
stop bleeding(英语使用场景)
1、Host, precious jade reservoir already steep nice dry by air of datura flower petal, can stop bleeding for your pain in the town, instantly go to precious jade pond?
2、Tattoos, the application epinephrine and other cleaning or to stop bleeding.
3、Be able to stop bleeding Quyu, Runchang catharsis.
4、Conclusions:Endoscopic electrocoagulation to stop bleeding is a simple, painless, eutherapeutic method, and worthy to be popularized.
5、Vitamin K can stop bleeding, but large doses can cause a potentially fatal thrombosis.
6、Objective Debridement hepatectomy for severe hepatic injury was performed to stop bleeding.
7、Therefore, the treatment offered to disintoxicating to removing extravasted blood, cooling blood to stop bleeding treatment of this disease.
8、When those methods fail to stop bleeding, the obstetrician often considers a cesarean hysterectomy.
9、You can stop bleeding by applying pressure close to the injured area.