abbr.电容-电阻二极管网 (Capacitor Resistor Diodenetwork);能源研究与发展委员会 (Committeein Energy Res\u
1、cross training───交叉培训; 交叉锻炼;交叉训练
2、karsts of China───中国岩溶
3、vocality credit union───声乐信用合作社
4、buckeye recruits───七叶树新兵
5、cinematics definition───电影定义
6、cove molding───油画外框的一种(边呈凹圆状)
7、cannonading of the french fleet───法国舰队的炮声
8、fructose metabolism───果糖代谢
9、corroboration define───确证定义
10、insectivora species───食虫纲
1、through the construction process simulation, ascertain the CRD program is more excellent excavation programs.───通过施工过程模拟,确定CRD方案是较优的开挖方案。
2、The SQL Activity Summary Report process consists of three steps (CRD, load, report), which can be configured individually.───SQL活动摘要报告过程由三步 (C R D)组成,各步可以单独配置。
3、A process consists of up to three steps (CRD, load, report).───过程最多由三步 (C R D)组成。
4、The fact that the CRD today is completely David Cameron's shows how much more he is master in his own house than she was mistress in hers.───如今,大卫·卡梅隆已经完全展示了自己在这个部门里的主人身份,而她更像是这里的主妇。
5、Processes are used to collect report data (CRD), load the data into the PWH tables and create a report.───过程用于收集报告数据 (C R D)、将这些数据加载到PWH表中和创建报告。
6、however, the mechanisms of accelerated calcification in CRD remain obscure, and no therapies can prevent disease progression.───然而,慢性肾脏疾病 (C R D)中促进钙化的机制仍然不明,没有治疗方法可以阻止疾病的进展。
7、Processes are used to collect report data (CRD), load the data into the PWH tables and create a report.───过程用于收集报告数据(CRD)、将这些数据加载到pwh表中和创建报告。
8、process consists of up to three steps (CRD, load, report).───过程最多由三步(CRD、加载、报告)组成。
9、The SQL Activity Summary report process consists of three steps (CRD, load, report), which can be configured individually.───SQL活动摘要报告过程由三步(CRD、加载、报告)组成,各步可以单独配置。
1、II. Chinese handwriting difficulties (CRD in short) children's hand writing expressions are lower than children without CRD when in high and low strokes.
2、A ballonet was put into colon of every rat. The abdominal withdrawal reflex(AWR) of rats at different levels of colorectal distension(CRD) was observed.
3、Investigated objects and divided into groups: every patient is that of an inpatient with CRD.
4、Using a relatively common algorithm CRD method as its basis, the kit can be divided into three main models which are data preprocessing, data mining and data evaluation.
5、Methods The visceromotor responses (VMR) evoked by repeated colorectal distention (CRD) were monitored in lightly anesthetized adult female rats.
6、CPA induced by CRD was abolished by ACC lesion.
7、Processes are used to collect report data (CRD), load the data into the PWH tables and create a report.
8、I. Chinese handwriting difficulties (CRD in short) children's hand writing expressions are all lower than children without CRD when in high and low character frequency.
9、Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation can modulate visceral hypersensitivity by increasing pain threshold to CRD.
abbr.电容-电阻二极管网 (Capacitor Resistor Diodenetwork);能源研究与发展委员会 (Committeein Energy Res\u
1、cross training───交叉培训; 交叉锻炼;交叉训练
2、karsts of China───中国岩溶
3、vocality credit union───声乐信用合作社
4、buckeye recruits───七叶树新兵
5、cinematics definition───电影定义
6、cove molding───油画外框的一种(边呈凹圆状)
7、cannonading of the french fleet───法国舰队的炮声
8、fructose metabolism───果糖代谢
9、corroboration define───确证定义
10、insectivora species───食虫纲
1、through the construction process simulation, ascertain the CRD program is more excellent excavation programs.───通过施工过程模拟,确定CRD方案是较优的开挖方案。
2、The SQL Activity Summary Report process consists of three steps (CRD, load, report), which can be configured individually.───SQL活动摘要报告过程由三步 (C R D)组成,各步可以单独配置。
3、A process consists of up to three steps (CRD, load, report).───过程最多由三步 (C R D)组成。
4、The fact that the CRD today is completely David Cameron's shows how much more he is master in his own house than she was mistress in hers.───如今,大卫·卡梅隆已经完全展示了自己在这个部门里的主人身份,而她更像是这里的主妇。
5、Processes are used to collect report data (CRD), load the data into the PWH tables and create a report.───过程用于收集报告数据 (C R D)、将这些数据加载到PWH表中和创建报告。
6、however, the mechanisms of accelerated calcification in CRD remain obscure, and no therapies can prevent disease progression.───然而,慢性肾脏疾病 (C R D)中促进钙化的机制仍然不明,没有治疗方法可以阻止疾病的进展。
7、Processes are used to collect report data (CRD), load the data into the PWH tables and create a report.───过程用于收集报告数据(CRD)、将这些数据加载到pwh表中和创建报告。
8、process consists of up to three steps (CRD, load, report).───过程最多由三步(CRD、加载、报告)组成。
9、The SQL Activity Summary report process consists of three steps (CRD, load, report), which can be configured individually.───SQL活动摘要报告过程由三步(CRD、加载、报告)组成,各步可以单独配置。
1、II. Chinese handwriting difficulties (CRD in short) children's hand writing expressions are lower than children without CRD when in high and low strokes.
2、A ballonet was put into colon of every rat. The abdominal withdrawal reflex(AWR) of rats at different levels of colorectal distension(CRD) was observed.
3、Investigated objects and divided into groups: every patient is that of an inpatient with CRD.
4、Using a relatively common algorithm CRD method as its basis, the kit can be divided into three main models which are data preprocessing, data mining and data evaluation.
5、Methods The visceromotor responses (VMR) evoked by repeated colorectal distention (CRD) were monitored in lightly anesthetized adult female rats.
6、CPA induced by CRD was abolished by ACC lesion.
7、Processes are used to collect report data (CRD), load the data into the PWH tables and create a report.
8、I. Chinese handwriting difficulties (CRD in short) children's hand writing expressions are all lower than children without CRD when in high and low character frequency.
9、Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation can modulate visceral hypersensitivity by increasing pain threshold to CRD.