1、As for its plant here, Enel says it will start experimenting with carbon-capture technology in 2015, in the hopes of "a solution" by 2020.───至于在这里的电厂,埃奈尔公司表示,将在2015年开始试验二氧化碳捕获与封存技术,并希望在2020年找到“解决的方案。”
2、Moreover, unlike modifications that improve efficiency, there are no savings to be had by adding carbon-capture technology to a power plant.───另外,不同于提升燃烧效率的各种改进,给电站追加捕碳技术根本无利可图。
3、However, carbon capture technology is still far from being commercial.───然而,碳回收技术仍然远未被商业化。
4、New carbon capture technology is being tested for the first time in the UK on a working coal-fired power station.───一项新型的碳捕捉技术日前在英国进行了首次测试。测试地点位于一家运营中的燃煤发电站。
5、Current carbon capture technology USES caustic amine-based solvents to separate CO2 from the flue gas escaping a facility's smokestacks.───当前碳捕获技术是使用苛性胺系溶剂从逸出工厂的烟囱烟气中分离co2。
6、The Bank is also working with the Chinese government to make a new coal plant ready to employ "carbon capture" technology.───世行还通过与中国政府合作,使一个新的煤矿企业能够利用“碳捕捉”技术。
7、While carbon capture technology is being tested around the world, more work needs to be done on the storage side.───尽管碳捕获技术正在世界各地经受试验,但在封存方面仍需进行更多的努力。
8、Chinese officials have so far said this carbon capture technology is too immature to be widely used.───中国官员目前表示,这种碳捕捉技术还太不成熟,难以广泛使用。
9、The Obama administration aspires to the deployment of a cost-effective carbon capture technology within 10 years.───奥巴马政府致力于在10年中开发出高效、低成本的碳捕集技术。
carbon capture technology(意思翻译)
carbon capture technology(相似词语短语)
1、capture youth───抓住青春
3、carbon capture───碳捕获;碳捕集〔指捕集发电厂、工厂产生的二氧化碳,系应对全球变暖的一种措施〕
5、motion capture───(游戏用语)动态捕捉。将物体在3D环境中运动的过程数字化的过程。;动作捕捉
6、fastone capture───fastone捕获
7、low carbon───低碳的
9、great capture───伟大的捕获
carbon capture technology(双语使用场景)
1、As for its plant here, Enel says it will start experimenting with carbon-capture technology in 2015, in the hopes of "a solution" by 2020.───至于在这里的电厂,埃奈尔公司表示,将在2015年开始试验二氧化碳捕获与封存技术,并希望在2020年找到“解决的方案。”
2、Moreover, unlike modifications that improve efficiency, there are no savings to be had by adding carbon-capture technology to a power plant.───另外,不同于提升燃烧效率的各种改进,给电站追加捕碳技术根本无利可图。
3、However, carbon capture technology is still far from being commercial.───然而,碳回收技术仍然远未被商业化。
4、New carbon capture technology is being tested for the first time in the UK on a working coal-fired power station.───一项新型的碳捕捉技术日前在英国进行了首次测试。测试地点位于一家运营中的燃煤发电站。
5、Current carbon capture technology USES caustic amine-based solvents to separate CO2 from the flue gas escaping a facility's smokestacks.───当前碳捕获技术是使用苛性胺系溶剂从逸出工厂的烟囱烟气中分离co2。
6、The Bank is also working with the Chinese government to make a new coal plant ready to employ "carbon capture" technology.───世行还通过与中国政府合作,使一个新的煤矿企业能够利用“碳捕捉”技术。
7、While carbon capture technology is being tested around the world, more work needs to be done on the storage side.───尽管碳捕获技术正在世界各地经受试验,但在封存方面仍需进行更多的努力。
8、Chinese officials have so far said this carbon capture technology is too immature to be widely used.───中国官员目前表示,这种碳捕捉技术还太不成熟,难以广泛使用。
9、The Obama administration aspires to the deployment of a cost-effective carbon capture technology within 10 years.───奥巴马政府致力于在10年中开发出高效、低成本的碳捕集技术。