1、It is very easy to get distracted by data and gadgets.───这很容易让你在数据和工具中变得混乱。
2、Many presenters get distracted by trying to discern the intention behind questions or comments.───很多陈述人试图分辨出问题背后的含义,而被分散了注意力。
3、In any conversation, people get distracted by background noise.───任何对话,人们都会因背景噪音而分心。
4、Don't get distracted by how much you are or aren't getting done. I put myself in jail.───不要因为自己完成了多少,没有完成多少而分心。将自己放入牢房中。
5、Stay patient; don't get distracted by how much you are or aren't getting done.───耐心;不要因为写完了多少、还有多少没有写完而分心。
6、If the conversation is taking place in a cafe then let your characters get distracted by the patrons.───如果对话发生在咖啡馆,可以表现出你的人物被顾客们的声音分心。
7、I try not to get distracted by the things that go on around me - I focus on racing and so far it has served me well.───我尽力不被周围的东西所分心--我专注于比赛,目前为止它都给我带来了很多好的东西。
8、Mr Vestberg said Ericsson would not get distracted by a debate about whether it was competing on a level playing field with Huawei.───卫翰思表示,虽然有关它与华为之间的竞争环境是否公平存在争论,但爱立信不会因此而分心。
9、Or I'd get lost in my head and get distracted by my own thoughts and daydreams.───或者,我在自己的脑海里迷了路,被我自己的思绪和浮想搅得心神不宁。
get distracted by(意思翻译)
get distracted by(相似词语短语)
1、get distracted───分心;分散注意力
2、get by in───进去吧
3、Get by───通过; 设法; 继续存在; 过得去,尚可;v.通过;过得去;过活;获得认可
4、distracted form───分心形式
5、distracted driving───开车分神;分心驾驶
6、distracted from───转移;使从…分心
7、get hit by───被击中
8、get by on───靠…过活
get distracted by(双语使用场景)
1、It is very easy to get distracted by data and gadgets.───这很容易让你在数据和工具中变得混乱。
2、Many presenters get distracted by trying to discern the intention behind questions or comments.───很多陈述人试图分辨出问题背后的含义,而被分散了注意力。
3、In any conversation, people get distracted by background noise.───任何对话,人们都会因背景噪音而分心。
4、Don't get distracted by how much you are or aren't getting done. I put myself in jail.───不要因为自己完成了多少,没有完成多少而分心。将自己放入牢房中。
5、Stay patient; don't get distracted by how much you are or aren't getting done.───耐心;不要因为写完了多少、还有多少没有写完而分心。
6、If the conversation is taking place in a cafe then let your characters get distracted by the patrons.───如果对话发生在咖啡馆,可以表现出你的人物被顾客们的声音分心。
7、I try not to get distracted by the things that go on around me - I focus on racing and so far it has served me well.───我尽力不被周围的东西所分心--我专注于比赛,目前为止它都给我带来了很多好的东西。
8、Mr Vestberg said Ericsson would not get distracted by a debate about whether it was competing on a level playing field with Huawei.───卫翰思表示,虽然有关它与华为之间的竞争环境是否公平存在争论,但爱立信不会因此而分心。
9、Or I'd get lost in my head and get distracted by my own thoughts and daydreams.───或者,我在自己的脑海里迷了路,被我自己的思绪和浮想搅得心神不宁。