1、One of their methods is to install cameras in areas of the Tesso Nilo National Park to check on the tigers.───其中一个方法,是在德索尼洛国家公园内安装相机来查看苏门答腊虎。
2、A large group of Nilo-Saharan languages, spoken in southern Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, and northern Tanzania and including Masai.───尼罗一撒哈拉语系的一个大语支,苏丹南部、乌于达、肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚北部多讲此种语言,并包括马赛语。
3、Researchers at the University of Maryland identified one such mutation among Nilo-Saharan-speaking peoples in Kenya and Tanzania.───马里兰大学的研究人员在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚讲尼罗-撒哈拉语的人群中发现了这种突变基因。
4、The deep space Star Wars equivalent of a whale, the space slug was developed in sketches by Ralph McQuarrie and Nilo Rodis-Jamero.───作为《星球大战》的外太空版鲸,太空蛞蝓的草图由拉尔夫·麦夸里和尼洛·罗迪斯—贾梅罗绘制。
5、Effect of Gammarus suifunensis on the Growth of Two Strains of Nilo Tilapia───青海钩虾配合饲料对罗非鱼两品系生长效果的研究
6、Designer Nilo Rodis-Jamero likened the scout troopers to kamikaze pilots who need only to see what's directly in front of them.───设计师尼洛·罗迪斯-贾梅罗把侦察兵比作神风特攻队飞行员,他们只须看清正前方是什么。
7、Nilo Cruz won the Pulitzer for drama for his play Anna in the Tropics.───尼罗·克鲁兹凭借《热带的安娜》获得了普利策戏剧奖。
8、This is the famous Nilometer by which water levels in the River Nilo were noted.───这就是著名的尼罗河仪。用它测星尼罗河的水位。
1、Language: the official language is Arabic. Nubian, Nilo - Hamitic, Sudanic language and English are also spoken.
2、Though strong and a capable brawler , in truth , Nilo was a lackluster military leader .
3、Nilo Rodis-Jamero's sketches envisioned speeder bikes as blocky and square-shaped, with a large engine in the rear and controls in the foot pedals.
1、vile definition───卑鄙的定义
2、committal definition───交付定义
3、dipterous meaning───双重意义
4、cross training───交叉培训; 交叉锻炼;交叉训练
5、bat fowling shakespeare definition───捕蝙蝠莎士比亚的定义
6、fad definition───时尚定义
7、cinematics definition───电影定义
8、cataloguer definition───编目员定义
9、vocality credit union───声乐信用合作社
10、feudatory meaning───封建主义意义
1、One of their methods is to install cameras in areas of the Tesso Nilo National Park to check on the tigers.───其中一个方法,是在德索尼洛国家公园内安装相机来查看苏门答腊虎。
2、A large group of Nilo-Saharan languages, spoken in southern Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, and northern Tanzania and including Masai.───尼罗一撒哈拉语系的一个大语支,苏丹南部、乌于达、肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚北部多讲此种语言,并包括马赛语。
3、Researchers at the University of Maryland identified one such mutation among Nilo-Saharan-speaking peoples in Kenya and Tanzania.───马里兰大学的研究人员在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚讲尼罗-撒哈拉语的人群中发现了这种突变基因。
4、The deep space Star Wars equivalent of a whale, the space slug was developed in sketches by Ralph McQuarrie and Nilo Rodis-Jamero.───作为《星球大战》的外太空版鲸,太空蛞蝓的草图由拉尔夫·麦夸里和尼洛·罗迪斯—贾梅罗绘制。
5、Effect of Gammarus suifunensis on the Growth of Two Strains of Nilo Tilapia───青海钩虾配合饲料对罗非鱼两品系生长效果的研究
6、Designer Nilo Rodis-Jamero likened the scout troopers to kamikaze pilots who need only to see what's directly in front of them.───设计师尼洛·罗迪斯-贾梅罗把侦察兵比作神风特攻队飞行员,他们只须看清正前方是什么。
7、Nilo Cruz won the Pulitzer for drama for his play Anna in the Tropics.───尼罗·克鲁兹凭借《热带的安娜》获得了普利策戏剧奖。
8、This is the famous Nilometer by which water levels in the River Nilo were noted.───这就是著名的尼罗河仪。用它测星尼罗河的水位。
1、Language: the official language is Arabic. Nubian, Nilo - Hamitic, Sudanic language and English are also spoken.
2、Though strong and a capable brawler , in truth , Nilo was a lackluster military leader .
3、Nilo Rodis-Jamero's sketches envisioned speeder bikes as blocky and square-shaped, with a large engine in the rear and controls in the foot pedals.