1、The navy gave me two great physical therapists, Dr. Bob Kellogg and Nannette Paco, who worked with me every day.───海军给我派了两个极佳的物理治疗师,鲍勃·凯洛格医生和南内特·帕科医生,他们每天一起帮我作恢复治疗。
2、After every Razorback football homecoming game, Bob and his wife, Helen, hosted a party in their home.───每次阿肯色州野猪队在返校节举行比赛之后,鲍勃和他的妻子海伦都会在家里举办一次聚会。
3、I will work with Bob Dudley over the coming months to effect a smooth transition and support him in every way possible.───在接下来的几个月我将与Bob Dudley一同工作以保证职务平稳交接,并尽可能在各方面协助他。
every bob(意思翻译)
every bob(相似词语短语)
1、bob woodward───鲍勃·伍德沃德
2、blurting bob───脱口而出的鲍勃
3、bogey bob───忌每
5、op bob───鲍勃
6、hi bob───你好,鲍勃
7、Bob Green───鲍勃·格林
8、finless bob───无敌鲍勃
9、balking bob───蹒跚的鲍勃
every bob(双语使用场景)
1、The navy gave me two great physical therapists, Dr. Bob Kellogg and Nannette Paco, who worked with me every day.───海军给我派了两个极佳的物理治疗师,鲍勃·凯洛格医生和南内特·帕科医生,他们每天一起帮我作恢复治疗。
2、After every Razorback football homecoming game, Bob and his wife, Helen, hosted a party in their home.───每次阿肯色州野猪队在返校节举行比赛之后,鲍勃和他的妻子海伦都会在家里举办一次聚会。
3、I will work with Bob Dudley over the coming months to effect a smooth transition and support him in every way possible.───在接下来的几个月我将与Bob Dudley一同工作以保证职务平稳交接,并尽可能在各方面协助他。