1、PSCO: Can you show me any documentary proof?───你能提供书面的证据吗?
2、Documentary proof for date of wedding, such as invitation card or certificate issued by Marriage Registry, and residential proof in south.───婚礼举办日期之证明文件,如婚礼请柬或婚姻登记处发出之证明文件,及于大屿山南部的DiZhi证明。
3、If the minor applicant is accompanied by a legal guardian , the legal guardian should produce documentary proof of the guardianship .───申请人必须由父、母或合法监护人陪同办理换证手续。
4、Please provide copies of documentary proof for the academic and professional qualifications (if applicable).───请附上有关学及专业资格之证明副本(如适用)。
5、In 1992, his replacement, Boris Yeltsin, sent the Poles documentary proof, including the notorious Beria memorandum signed by Stalin.───1992年,其继任者BorisYeltsin向波兰发送了书面证明,包括由Beria提出SiDaLin签署的臭名昭著的记要。
6、Documentary proof of previous stay in Singapore for non Singapore citiz───原来作为非新加坡公民身份在新加坡居留的证明文件
7、This case lacked documentary proof.───本案缺少书面证据。
documentary proof(英语使用场景)
1、Documentary proof for date of wedding such as invitation card or certificate issued by Marriage Registry.
2、In 1992, his replacement, Boris Yeltsin, sent the Poles documentary proof, including the notorious Beria memorandum signed by Stalin.
3、It is obvious that Bellini had assistants to help him in his studio; indeed, there is documentary proof of that.
4、Documentary proof of 147 deaths had been found so far.
documentary proof(意思翻译)
documentary proof(相似词语短语)
1、inartistic proof───非艺术证据
2、documentary mania───纪录片狂热
3、mistake proof───错误防范
4、seduced documentary───诱惑纪录片
5、detestable documentary───可憎的纪录片
6、documentary reality───纪实
7、egyptology documentary───埃及学纪录片
documentary proof(双语使用场景)
1、PSCO: Can you show me any documentary proof?───你能提供书面的证据吗?
2、Documentary proof for date of wedding, such as invitation card or certificate issued by Marriage Registry, and residential proof in south.───婚礼举办日期之证明文件,如婚礼请柬或婚姻登记处发出之证明文件,及于大屿山南部的DiZhi证明。
3、If the minor applicant is accompanied by a legal guardian , the legal guardian should produce documentary proof of the guardianship .───申请人必须由父、母或合法监护人陪同办理换证手续。
4、Please provide copies of documentary proof for the academic and professional qualifications (if applicable).───请附上有关学及专业资格之证明副本(如适用)。
5、In 1992, his replacement, Boris Yeltsin, sent the Poles documentary proof, including the notorious Beria memorandum signed by Stalin.───1992年,其继任者BorisYeltsin向波兰发送了书面证明,包括由Beria提出SiDaLin签署的臭名昭著的记要。
6、Documentary proof of previous stay in Singapore for non Singapore citiz───原来作为非新加坡公民身份在新加坡居留的证明文件
7、This case lacked documentary proof.───本案缺少书面证据。
documentary proof(英语使用场景)
1、Documentary proof for date of wedding such as invitation card or certificate issued by Marriage Registry.
2、In 1992, his replacement, Boris Yeltsin, sent the Poles documentary proof, including the notorious Beria memorandum signed by Stalin.
3、It is obvious that Bellini had assistants to help him in his studio; indeed, there is documentary proof of that.
4、Documentary proof of 147 deaths had been found so far.
5、This case lacked documentary proof.