1、The CPU graph, which had previously consisted of cyclical fits of starts and stops, is now more consistently saturated over time.───此前,CPU图中包含表示启动和停止的周期,现在则是一直占满。
2、The labs are now looking to see if these mutants can provide new information about what starts and stops apoptosis.───这些实验室正在留意上述突变是否可以提供新洞见,来了解开启和结束细胞凋亡的机制。
3、To "throb" means to have pain that starts and stops repeatedly, almost like in a rhythm.───“throb”意思是一会儿痛,一会儿不痛,反反复复,像是有节奏的。
4、Starts and stops printers, respectively.───分别用于启动与停止打印机。
5、Combine two photos seamlessly using a gradient within the add Fade feature. You control where the fade starts and stops.───在渐隐的特征中应用渐变,使两张合成的照片实现无缝拼接。你来控制渐隐的起始和结束点。
6、Starts and Stops HSQLDB server instances.───启动和停止 HSQLDB 服务器实例。
7、Those starts and stops deprive you of sleep, which is enough to make you forgetful. Even more damaging is the lack of oxygen.───这样的开始和终止导致你的睡眠没有质量,而这个足以让你记忆减退,体内的缺氧则会造成更大的伤害。
8、This mode is useful in situations where you know when a task starts and stops but have no way of knowing how far the task has progressed.───这种模式在这样几种情形下是有用的,您可以知道一项任务何时开始以及何时停止,但是您没法知道任务进展了多远。
starts and stops(英语使用场景)
1、On thd other hand, the moving axle starts and stops frequently.
2、Frequent starts and stops as well as frequent braking maneuvers in those missions predestinate LCV as an application for hybrid transmission systems.
3、Some people believe that web design starts and stops with branding.
4、The lift is one of those with a concertina door which starts and stops with a terrific jolt.
5、The EIB allows the PPE to start downloads on multiple SPEs and to overlap their starts and stops very efficiently so that the entire process is fully pipelined.
starts and stops(意思翻译)
starts and stops(相似词语短语)
1、starts to───开始
2、ous starts───开始
3、never stops───别放弃(歌曲名)
4、fits and starts───间歇的;断断续续的
6、abruptly stops───突然停止
7、shaking stops───震动停止
8、looting starts───QiangJie开始了
9、school starts───开学;学校开始上课
starts and stops(双语使用场景)
1、The CPU graph, which had previously consisted of cyclical fits of starts and stops, is now more consistently saturated over time.───此前,CPU图中包含表示启动和停止的周期,现在则是一直占满。
2、The labs are now looking to see if these mutants can provide new information about what starts and stops apoptosis.───这些实验室正在留意上述突变是否可以提供新洞见,来了解开启和结束细胞凋亡的机制。
3、To "throb" means to have pain that starts and stops repeatedly, almost like in a rhythm.───“throb”意思是一会儿痛,一会儿不痛,反反复复,像是有节奏的。
4、Starts and stops printers, respectively.───分别用于启动与停止打印机。
5、Combine two photos seamlessly using a gradient within the add Fade feature. You control where the fade starts and stops.───在渐隐的特征中应用渐变,使两张合成的照片实现无缝拼接。你来控制渐隐的起始和结束点。
6、Starts and Stops HSQLDB server instances.───启动和停止 HSQLDB 服务器实例。
7、Those starts and stops deprive you of sleep, which is enough to make you forgetful. Even more damaging is the lack of oxygen.───这样的开始和终止导致你的睡眠没有质量,而这个足以让你记忆减退,体内的缺氧则会造成更大的伤害。
8、This mode is useful in situations where you know when a task starts and stops but have no way of knowing how far the task has progressed.───这种模式在这样几种情形下是有用的,您可以知道一项任务何时开始以及何时停止,但是您没法知道任务进展了多远。
starts and stops(英语使用场景)
1、On thd other hand, the moving axle starts and stops frequently.
2、Frequent starts and stops as well as frequent braking maneuvers in those missions predestinate LCV as an application for hybrid transmission systems.
3、Some people believe that web design starts and stops with branding.
4、The lift is one of those with a concertina door which starts and stops with a terrific jolt.
5、The EIB allows the PPE to start downloads on multiple SPEs and to overlap their starts and stops very efficiently so that the entire process is fully pipelined.