1、There are lots of black coats, I'm afraid.───恐怕有很多黑大衣,
2、Black hats, black shoes, and long black coats.───黑帽子,黑鞋子和黑色长风衣。
3、The men have blue or black hodden coats.───这些人穿着蓝色或黑色的粗呢外套。
4、Gray hats are quite versatile and can be paired with black, blue, and dark gray suits and coats.───灰色的帽子很好搭配衣服,可以与黑色,蓝色和深灰色的外衣搭配。
5、A choir of 100 people sang "Eternal Memory" and a procession of some 10, 000 people in black coats followed the coffin.───一百人的合唱团齐唱“永恒的记忆”,上万人的送葬队伍,身着黑衣,跟随着棺材。
6、In wolf form, they are long and lean like the jackal-dogs of Egyptian art, often with sleek black coats and yellow eyes.───在狼形态时,他们像埃及壁画里的豺狗一样瘦长,披着黑色光滑的皮毛瞪着黄眼睛。
7、Mr Nowell sat behind a big fable. Two or three men, in black coats, stood near the window.───诺埃尔先生在一张大桌子后面坐下。有两三个穿着黑大衣的男人靠近窗口站着。
8、The gamekeepers donned green velvet coats with brass buttons and black billycock hats.───猎场看护主们穿着绿色的天鹅绒大衣,配以黄铜纽扣和黑色的圆顶毡帽。
black coats(英语使用场景)
1、No strangers in black coats, no false pomp and ceremony; just his family, just his friends.
black coats(意思翻译)
black coats(相似词语短语)
2、white coats───n.白灰罩面;n.白膜;白大褂
3、burton coats───伯顿大衣
4、burred coats───毛边外套
5、rails coats───钢轨涂层
6、winter coats───冬衣
7、thick coats───厚外套
8、fur coats───皮毛大衣
9、wool coats───羊毛大衣
black coats(双语使用场景)
1、There are lots of black coats, I'm afraid.───恐怕有很多黑大衣,
2、Black hats, black shoes, and long black coats.───黑帽子,黑鞋子和黑色长风衣。
3、The men have blue or black hodden coats.───这些人穿着蓝色或黑色的粗呢外套。
4、Gray hats are quite versatile and can be paired with black, blue, and dark gray suits and coats.───灰色的帽子很好搭配衣服,可以与黑色,蓝色和深灰色的外衣搭配。
5、A choir of 100 people sang "Eternal Memory" and a procession of some 10, 000 people in black coats followed the coffin.───一百人的合唱团齐唱“永恒的记忆”,上万人的送葬队伍,身着黑衣,跟随着棺材。
6、In wolf form, they are long and lean like the jackal-dogs of Egyptian art, often with sleek black coats and yellow eyes.───在狼形态时,他们像埃及壁画里的豺狗一样瘦长,披着黑色光滑的皮毛瞪着黄眼睛。
7、Mr Nowell sat behind a big fable. Two or three men, in black coats, stood near the window.───诺埃尔先生在一张大桌子后面坐下。有两三个穿着黑大衣的男人靠近窗口站着。
8、The gamekeepers donned green velvet coats with brass buttons and black billycock hats.───猎场看护主们穿着绿色的天鹅绒大衣,配以黄铜纽扣和黑色的圆顶毡帽。
black coats(英语使用场景)
1、No strangers in black coats, no false pomp and ceremony; just his family, just his friends.