1、When it extends loans it does so on specific, negotiated terms, including corrective policies on the part of the borrower.───在发放贷款时,它会根据协商后的特定条款——其中包括借款方旨在纠偏的政策。
2、This implicit contract between consumer and provider might mature into an explicit contract in terms of SLAs; negotiated either electronically or through business and legal venues.───这个在消费者和提供者之间的隐含的契约可能在SLA方面成熟为明确的契约;自动的或者通过业务和合法区域来处理。
3、Company officials said that final terms are being negotiated, and therefore did not specify the number of systems that will be provided.───公司官员说,最终的条款正在谈判中,因此并没有具体说明将提供的XiTong数量。
4、Perhaps multiple publishers could band together in opposition, starving the App Store of content until better terms can be negotiated.───可能多家出版商可以联合一起,拒绝提供内容给苹果商店直到协商好一点的条款。
negotiated terms(意思翻译)
negotiated terms(相似词语短语)
2、stigmatizing terms───污名化术语
3、terms of───…方面;…的条款
4、favorable terms───[经] 有利的条件,优惠条件;有利条件
5、trade terms───贸易条件;贸易用语;贸易术语,商业用语; 贸易条件,贸易条款
6、magnetism terms───磁学术语
7、generic terms───总称
8、accounted terms───赊购条件;账户条件
negotiated terms(双语使用场景)
1、When it extends loans it does so on specific, negotiated terms, including corrective policies on the part of the borrower.───在发放贷款时,它会根据协商后的特定条款——其中包括借款方旨在纠偏的政策。
2、This implicit contract between consumer and provider might mature into an explicit contract in terms of SLAs; negotiated either electronically or through business and legal venues.───这个在消费者和提供者之间的隐含的契约可能在SLA方面成熟为明确的契约;自动的或者通过业务和合法区域来处理。
3、Company officials said that final terms are being negotiated, and therefore did not specify the number of systems that will be provided.───公司官员说,最终的条款正在谈判中,因此并没有具体说明将提供的XiTong数量。
4、Perhaps multiple publishers could band together in opposition, starving the App Store of content until better terms can be negotiated.───可能多家出版商可以联合一起,拒绝提供内容给苹果商店直到协商好一点的条款。