1、company’s products helped build a methanol plant for Zagros Petrochemical Co., a unit of Iran’s state-owned National Iranian Petrochemical Co., the documents show.───文件显示,科赫公司的产品已帮助YiLang国有的YiLang国家石化公司下属的扎格罗斯石化公司建立了一个甲醇工厂。
2、These two products were previously owned and funded by Novell but the project was abandoned when Attachmate took possession of the company.───这两个产品之前由Novell拥有并资助,但当attachmate接管公司后就放弃了该项目。
3、The investigation gives a detailed picture of life for the 500,000 workers at the Shenzhen and Chengdu factories owned by Foxconn, which produces millions of Apple products each year.───调查拍摄了FuShi康深圳、成都工厂50万工人的工作生活照,他们每年生产上百万的苹果产品。
owned products(意思翻译)
owned products(相似词语短语)
1、Never owned───从未拥有过
3、already owned───已拥有
4、owned up───v.坦白;爽快承认
5、owned games───自有游戏
6、state owned───国有的;国营的;国营的; 国有的
7、re owned───重新拥有
8、owned outright───完全拥有
owned products(双语使用场景)
1、company’s products helped build a methanol plant for Zagros Petrochemical Co., a unit of Iran’s state-owned National Iranian Petrochemical Co., the documents show.───文件显示,科赫公司的产品已帮助YiLang国有的YiLang国家石化公司下属的扎格罗斯石化公司建立了一个甲醇工厂。
2、These two products were previously owned and funded by Novell but the project was abandoned when Attachmate took possession of the company.───这两个产品之前由Novell拥有并资助,但当attachmate接管公司后就放弃了该项目。
3、The investigation gives a detailed picture of life for the 500,000 workers at the Shenzhen and Chengdu factories owned by Foxconn, which produces millions of Apple products each year.───调查拍摄了FuShi康深圳、成都工厂50万工人的工作生活照,他们每年生产上百万的苹果产品。