1、No, my chuck. Eros, come; mine armour, Eros!───不,我的宝贝。爱洛斯,来;我的战铠,爱洛斯!
2、It was difficult to hold in my chuck and I didn't feel like changing chucks.───这是难以举行,我夹头和我不一样,觉得改变夹头。
3、So I invited Chuck, my oldest friend and godfather to one of my sons.───所以我邀请了契克,他是我的老朋友,还是我一个儿子的教父。
4、He's an older fellow. He's sort of my age and the reason I mention Chuck Mangione is that many years ago, I went to school with him.───他是个老家伙。他和我差不多大,我提到查克·曼卓尼的原因是很多年前,我和他一起上学。
my chuck(意思翻译)
my chuck(相似词语短语)
1、chuck grassley───n.查克·格拉斯利
2、chuck roast───肩部厚肉块(除去近颈部的肩肉)
3、butterman chuck───巴特曼·查克
4、converse chuck───逆卡盘
5、chuck olden───老查克
6、chuck schumer───查克·舒默
7、chuck barris───查克酒桶。
8、chuck steak───(一份)牛肩胛肉排;动物颈部至肩部的肉,牛肩胛肉排
9、chuck table───卡盘工作台
my chuck(双语使用场景)
1、No, my chuck. Eros, come; mine armour, Eros!───不,我的宝贝。爱洛斯,来;我的战铠,爱洛斯!
2、It was difficult to hold in my chuck and I didn't feel like changing chucks.───这是难以举行,我夹头和我不一样,觉得改变夹头。
3、So I invited Chuck, my oldest friend and godfather to one of my sons.───所以我邀请了契克,他是我的老朋友,还是我一个儿子的教父。
4、He's an older fellow. He's sort of my age and the reason I mention Chuck Mangione is that many years ago, I went to school with him.───他是个老家伙。他和我差不多大,我提到查克·曼卓尼的原因是很多年前,我和他一起上学。