1、we really learn from. Did you know Animal Farm animals do not turn around?───我们真的学习。你知道吗动物农场动物不转身呢?
2、Do not fly at the limits of video. if you see noise in your picture, turn around and buy a higher-gain antenna before going out further.───不要在图传的生效界线停顿,假使你看到噪点请立刻华美转身,回淘宝去换增益更高的天线。
3、In addition, you can rent a bike, in the ancient city and around the turn, do not have a flavor, cost about 10 yuan a half-day.───此外,也可以租辆自行车,在古城及周边转转,别有一番风味,费用大约10元半天。
4、If things do not turn around, he expects Mr Kerkorian "will make himself very visible" .───他认为,如果事情一直没有出现转机,柯克•科KeLaiEn将“亲自出山”。
5、No lane, no pressure road traffic, chaos whistle, not illegal overtaking, stop chaos by chaos, do not turn around freely, not in the car smoking, no red light.───不占道、不压道行驶、不乱鸣笛、不违章超车、不乱停乱靠、不随意调头、不在车内抽烟、不闯红灯。
do not turn around(意思翻译)
do not turn around(相似词语短语)
1、not turn on───不打开
2、do not turn───不要转弯
3、do or do not───做还是不做
4、turn turn turn───转身,转身
5、Do not do───不要这样做
6、do not do it───不要这样做
7、turn on not───打开“不”
8、not around───不在附近
9、turn around───(使)转身; (使)好转; 改变意见; 使变得完全不同;转向反方向;(生意或经济)好转;船只留港
do not turn around(双语使用场景)
1、we really learn from. Did you know Animal Farm animals do not turn around?───我们真的学习。你知道吗动物农场动物不转身呢?
2、Do not fly at the limits of video. if you see noise in your picture, turn around and buy a higher-gain antenna before going out further.───不要在图传的生效界线停顿,假使你看到噪点请立刻华美转身,回淘宝去换增益更高的天线。
3、In addition, you can rent a bike, in the ancient city and around the turn, do not have a flavor, cost about 10 yuan a half-day.───此外,也可以租辆自行车,在古城及周边转转,别有一番风味,费用大约10元半天。
4、If things do not turn around, he expects Mr Kerkorian "will make himself very visible" .───他认为,如果事情一直没有出现转机,柯克•科KeLaiEn将“亲自出山”。
5、No lane, no pressure road traffic, chaos whistle, not illegal overtaking, stop chaos by chaos, do not turn around freely, not in the car smoking, no red light.───不占道、不压道行驶、不乱鸣笛、不违章超车、不乱停乱靠、不随意调头、不在车内抽烟、不闯红灯。