1、In that sense, the Khmers Rouges of Cambodia were the ultimate Maoists.───从这一意义上来说,柬埔寨红色高棉是最后的MaoZeDong主义者。
2、Rouges use sexy moves to their enemies with their hot bodies.───道贼通过性感的动作,用HuoLa的身体去迷惑敌人。
3、In fact he had taught maths in the years before the Khmers Rouges seized power in Cambodia.───实际上,在红色高棉夺取柬埔寨政权以前那些年一直在教数学。
4、In 1975, obedient to the Khmers Rouges, he had joined a peasant commune and worked hard there.───1975年,他服从红色高棉下达的命令,加入一个农民公社,在那里卖力劳动。
5、May cause the more muscle thin rouges to the island of langerhans rope sensitivity enhancement.───可以使更多的肌肉细胭对胰岛索敏感性增强。
6、Lead was an ingredient in ointments and was used in rouges and skin creams at the court of Versailles.───铅作为药膏的一种成分,亦用在凡尔赛宫的胭脂和护肤霜里。
1、The Khmers Rouges are the leading merchants of chaos.
2、Even if these things can be believed, it would be foolish to write off the Khmers Rouges.
3、It seems more likely that the Khmers Rouges decided not to disrupt the election, perhaps for good reason.
4、Buying and selecting methods of cosmetics, such as lipstick, rouges , eyebrow pencil, eye black, perfume, vanishing cream, cold cream, and the emulsions were introduced in detail.
5、On the dresser a clutter of compacts, rouges, and lipsticks lie half open.
1、globules rouges───红细胞
1、In that sense, the Khmers Rouges of Cambodia were the ultimate Maoists.───从这一意义上来说,柬埔寨红色高棉是最后的MaoZeDong主义者。
2、Rouges use sexy moves to their enemies with their hot bodies.───道贼通过性感的动作,用HuoLa的身体去迷惑敌人。
3、In fact he had taught maths in the years before the Khmers Rouges seized power in Cambodia.───实际上,在红色高棉夺取柬埔寨政权以前那些年一直在教数学。
4、In 1975, obedient to the Khmers Rouges, he had joined a peasant commune and worked hard there.───1975年,他服从红色高棉下达的命令,加入一个农民公社,在那里卖力劳动。
5、May cause the more muscle thin rouges to the island of langerhans rope sensitivity enhancement.───可以使更多的肌肉细胭对胰岛索敏感性增强。
6、Lead was an ingredient in ointments and was used in rouges and skin creams at the court of Versailles.───铅作为药膏的一种成分,亦用在凡尔赛宫的胭脂和护肤霜里。
1、The Khmers Rouges are the leading merchants of chaos.
2、Even if these things can be believed, it would be foolish to write off the Khmers Rouges.
3、It seems more likely that the Khmers Rouges decided not to disrupt the election, perhaps for good reason.
4、Buying and selecting methods of cosmetics, such as lipstick, rouges , eyebrow pencil, eye black, perfume, vanishing cream, cold cream, and the emulsions were introduced in detail.
5、On the dresser a clutter of compacts, rouges, and lipsticks lie half open.