1、Now the Lady, we know, has an exquisite and powerful sense of hearing.───我们知道,现在这位女士,有着敏锐的强有力的听觉。
2、As for bankers, there seems to be another psychological factor at work: a powerful sense of entitlement.───对银行家而言,另一个心理因素似乎在发挥作用:一种强大的权利感。
3、Honest, detail oriented, Powerful sense of responsibility, quick-response and highly efficient working style.───诚实,注重细节,强大的责任感,反应快速,工作高效。
4、There is much to marvel at, such as the pictures of China in 1948, which capture the photographer's powerful sense of formal composition.───令人惊叹的还有这位摄影家强烈庄重的构图感,比如1948年在中国拍摄的照片。
5、I also own a great career which gives me a powerful sense of achievement.───我拥有让我产生伟大成就感的事业!
6、In other words, prior to the 15th century, people lacked a powerful sense of their individual identity.───换言之,在15世纪前,人们缺乏一种强烈地自我意识来区分个体特征。
7、Milton is infusing this passage with a powerful sense of—I don't know, what can we call it?—of gender nonconformity and cultural relativity.───尔顿在这段中注入了一个很强烈的思想——我也不清楚,我们怎么叫这种思想呢?——性别的不一致和文化的相对性。
8、Milton's infusing this passage with a powerful sense of -- I don't know, what can we call it? ───尔顿在这段中注入了一个很强烈的思想,我也不清楚,我们怎么叫这种思想呢?
9、Smell is a surprisingly powerful sense in these situations.───在这样的情境之下,气味是一种效力惊人的感觉。
powerful sense(英语使用场景)
1、She also had the powerful sense of humour which her children inherited, and could be very amusing in conversation.
2、Bats have a very powerful sense of hearing.
3、This powerful sense of continuity is what gives meaning to every event at this mad and glorious quadrennial festival of sport.
4、This gives us a powerful sense of tradition, in the best sense of the word.
5、Then, at a stroke, something happened that gave him a powerful sense of purpose.
6、A powerful sense of mission underpins everything he does.
powerful sense(意思翻译)
powerful sense(相似词语短语)
2、intensely powerful───强烈的力量
3、powerful force───劲旅;强大的势力
4、powerful definition───强大的定义
5、powerful strength───强大的力量
6、powerful tools───有力的工具;强大的工具
9、powerful forces───劲旅;强大的势力
powerful sense(双语使用场景)
1、Now the Lady, we know, has an exquisite and powerful sense of hearing.───我们知道,现在这位女士,有着敏锐的强有力的听觉。
2、As for bankers, there seems to be another psychological factor at work: a powerful sense of entitlement.───对银行家而言,另一个心理因素似乎在发挥作用:一种强大的权利感。
3、Honest, detail oriented, Powerful sense of responsibility, quick-response and highly efficient working style.───诚实,注重细节,强大的责任感,反应快速,工作高效。
4、There is much to marvel at, such as the pictures of China in 1948, which capture the photographer's powerful sense of formal composition.───令人惊叹的还有这位摄影家强烈庄重的构图感,比如1948年在中国拍摄的照片。
5、I also own a great career which gives me a powerful sense of achievement.───我拥有让我产生伟大成就感的事业!
6、In other words, prior to the 15th century, people lacked a powerful sense of their individual identity.───换言之,在15世纪前,人们缺乏一种强烈地自我意识来区分个体特征。
7、Milton is infusing this passage with a powerful sense of—I don't know, what can we call it?—of gender nonconformity and cultural relativity.───尔顿在这段中注入了一个很强烈的思想——我也不清楚,我们怎么叫这种思想呢?——性别的不一致和文化的相对性。
8、Milton's infusing this passage with a powerful sense of -- I don't know, what can we call it? ───尔顿在这段中注入了一个很强烈的思想,我也不清楚,我们怎么叫这种思想呢?
9、Smell is a surprisingly powerful sense in these situations.───在这样的情境之下,气味是一种效力惊人的感觉。
powerful sense(英语使用场景)
1、She also had the powerful sense of humour which her children inherited, and could be very amusing in conversation.
2、Bats have a very powerful sense of hearing.
3、This powerful sense of continuity is what gives meaning to every event at this mad and glorious quadrennial festival of sport.
4、This gives us a powerful sense of tradition, in the best sense of the word.
5、Then, at a stroke, something happened that gave him a powerful sense of purpose.
6、A powerful sense of mission underpins everything he does.