1、Gabon and Guyana, almost three-quarters of which are covered by trees, say that, with foreign help, they would be happy to keep it that way.───加蓬和圭亚那,其四分之三的国土都被森林覆盖,宣布,在外国的帮助下,她们将继续保持。
2、Also be aware that your plumbing emergency may be covered by your homeowner's insurance - always check with your insurance carrier.───记得你的这些管道问题可能会由家主人的保险支付——所以要经常确认谁为你承担保险。
3、the clichés of pair programming is that if you're doing this method right, your screen should be covered with greasy finger-marks by the end of the day.───结对编程的特征之一就是,如果你正确地使用了这种方法,那么在一天结束的时候,你的屏幕上应该会沾满油腻的手指印。
be covered with by(意思翻译)
be covered with by(相似词语短语)
1、covered───adj.覆盖了的;隐蔽着的;有屋顶的;v.覆盖( cover的过去式和过去分词); 掩护; 包括;v.覆盖;包括;掩护(cover的过去分词);adj.大量的; 有遮盖物的,(尤指)有顶的
2、risks covered───承保危险,承保风险;保险范围;承保风险
3、be covered in───用...填满;被笼罩在;被覆盖在
4、covered with───覆盖着
5、be covered with───被……盖满;充满着……;盖着,覆着
6、covered by───覆盖
7、be covered by───被…覆盖
8、be by───被
9、be with───伴随;和…;在…方面先进
be covered with by(双语使用场景)
1、Gabon and Guyana, almost three-quarters of which are covered by trees, say that, with foreign help, they would be happy to keep it that way.───加蓬和圭亚那,其四分之三的国土都被森林覆盖,宣布,在外国的帮助下,她们将继续保持。
2、Also be aware that your plumbing emergency may be covered by your homeowner's insurance - always check with your insurance carrier.───记得你的这些管道问题可能会由家主人的保险支付——所以要经常确认谁为你承担保险。
3、the clichés of pair programming is that if you're doing this method right, your screen should be covered with greasy finger-marks by the end of the day.───结对编程的特征之一就是,如果你正确地使用了这种方法,那么在一天结束的时候,你的屏幕上应该会沾满油腻的手指印。