1、I try to use Internet tools to carry out life education, looking forward to broaden the channels for the implementation of life education.───笔者尝试利用网络手段开展生命教育,以期拓宽生命教育的实施渠道。
2、Leverage computer and Internet tools to make one's work more efficient.───对计算机及因特网的技能运用自如,提高工作效率。
3、Electronic mail is the most popular of the Internet tools.───电子邮件是因特网最流行的一种手段。
4、The platform provides simple Internet tools for children to publish work, have debates, brainstorm and use email.───平台提供了简易的互联网工具,供学生发布作品、进行辩论、集体讨论和使用电子邮件。
5、Campaigns are looking to facilitate involvement for their supporters at every level through a variety of Internet tools.───各竞选组织竭力通过各类互联网工具为各阶层的支持者提供参与竞选活动的便利。
6、However, very few attempts have been made to investigate how different interactive Internet tools may develop or enhance such relationships.───然而,对于调查交互式因特网工具会如何发展或者提高这些关系的研究问题上,只进行了很少的尝试。
7、Internet tools ease the dissemination of financial information for stakeholders, analysts and other interested parties.───互联网的传播工具减轻财务信息在利益相关者,分析师和其他感兴趣的机构。
8、New Internet tools help you work with others better.───新的互联网工具能帮助你更好地与其他人一起工作。
9、Therefore, the Internet should be included thinking + of Internet tools.───所以互联网化应该包含思维+互联网工具。
internet tools(英语使用场景)
1、Electronic mail is the most popular of the Internet tools.
internet tools(意思翻译)
internet tools(相似词语短语)
1、internet access───互联网接入;网络接口
2、the internet───互联网;因特网
3、internet mall───互联网商场
4、internet bars───网吧
5、no internet───没有互联网
6、interspecies internet───种间互联网
7、nomad internet───游牧民族互联网
8、explorer internet───internet浏览器
internet tools(双语使用场景)
1、I try to use Internet tools to carry out life education, looking forward to broaden the channels for the implementation of life education.───笔者尝试利用网络手段开展生命教育,以期拓宽生命教育的实施渠道。
2、Leverage computer and Internet tools to make one's work more efficient.───对计算机及因特网的技能运用自如,提高工作效率。
3、Electronic mail is the most popular of the Internet tools.───电子邮件是因特网最流行的一种手段。
4、The platform provides simple Internet tools for children to publish work, have debates, brainstorm and use email.───平台提供了简易的互联网工具,供学生发布作品、进行辩论、集体讨论和使用电子邮件。
5、Campaigns are looking to facilitate involvement for their supporters at every level through a variety of Internet tools.───各竞选组织竭力通过各类互联网工具为各阶层的支持者提供参与竞选活动的便利。
6、However, very few attempts have been made to investigate how different interactive Internet tools may develop or enhance such relationships.───然而,对于调查交互式因特网工具会如何发展或者提高这些关系的研究问题上,只进行了很少的尝试。
7、Internet tools ease the dissemination of financial information for stakeholders, analysts and other interested parties.───互联网的传播工具减轻财务信息在利益相关者,分析师和其他感兴趣的机构。
8、New Internet tools help you work with others better.───新的互联网工具能帮助你更好地与其他人一起工作。
9、Therefore, the Internet should be included thinking + of Internet tools.───所以互联网化应该包含思维+互联网工具。
internet tools(英语使用场景)
1、Electronic mail is the most popular of the Internet tools.