1、This paper will show that Zhang et al. 's scheme is insecure, any group member colludes with repeal center can generate a valid group signature without using his secret parameters.───该文提出了一种伪造攻击方案指出张等的方案是不安全的,任一群成员在撤消中心的帮助下可以不利用自己的秘密参数对任何消息生成有效的群签名。
2、This is still a very young industry, with a lot of claims out there that are sometimes difficult to believe, said al Darzins, a group manager at the lab's National Bioenergy Center.───这仍然是个非常年轻的行业,大量的声明有时难以置信,”实验室属下的国家可再生能源中心经理艾尔达真斯(Al Darzins)表示。
3、's widely thought that the devastation caused at the World Trade Center and Pentagon couldn't have taken place without al-Zawahiri's influence.───人们普遍认为,如果没有扎瓦赫里的影响,那场对世贸大厦和五角大楼造成灾难性PoHuai的袭击就不会发生。
al center(意思翻译)
al center(相似词语短语)
1、al offer───al报价
2、al───abbr.美国联盟 (American League);美GuoJun团 (American Legion);阿尔巴尼亚 (Albania);美国亚拉巴马州 (Alabama);n.(Al)人名;(英)阿尔(Albert在美国的昵称)
3、anidras al───%1平方米
4、al kahla───卡拉
5、exp al───实验
6、al divide───分水岭
7、aum al───金-金-金
8、trustful al───值得信赖的艾尔
9、center───n.中心,中央;中锋;中心点;vi.居中,被置于中心;adj.中央的,位在正中的;n. (Center)森特(人名);vt.集中,使聚集在一点;定中心
al center(双语使用场景)
1、This paper will show that Zhang et al. 's scheme is insecure, any group member colludes with repeal center can generate a valid group signature without using his secret parameters.───该文提出了一种伪造攻击方案指出张等的方案是不安全的,任一群成员在撤消中心的帮助下可以不利用自己的秘密参数对任何消息生成有效的群签名。
2、This is still a very young industry, with a lot of claims out there that are sometimes difficult to believe, said al Darzins, a group manager at the lab's National Bioenergy Center.───这仍然是个非常年轻的行业,大量的声明有时难以置信,”实验室属下的国家可再生能源中心经理艾尔达真斯(Al Darzins)表示。
3、's widely thought that the devastation caused at the World Trade Center and Pentagon couldn't have taken place without al-Zawahiri's influence.───人们普遍认为,如果没有扎瓦赫里的影响,那场对世贸大厦和五角大楼造成灾难性PoHuai的袭击就不会发生。