1、By means of a radio dish belonging to NASA's Deep Space Network, the message was sent out into the depths of space.───通过美国国家航空航天局深空网络的无线电天线,信息被发送到太空深处。
2、If a message is received from outer space, it could be compared against this database.───如果收到来自外太空的消息,则可以将其与该数据库进行比较。
3、Websites produced by static and dynamic web pages produced by the ASP technical personal message space.───个人网站通过制作静态网页和动态ASP技术制作的个人留言空间。
4、she saw you on campus or have girls message space is very sour when asked : This is Who?───她看到你校内或空间上有女生留言时会很酸的问:这谁呀?
5、Welcome to Doreen Virtue's Angel Message Space!───欢迎来到朵琳。芙秋天使讯息空间!
message space(意思翻译)
message space(相似词语短语)
2、last message───最后一条消息
3、message taker───信息接受者
4、positive message───正面信息
5、message board───n.留言板
6、your message───来电;您的消息
7、zephaniah message───西番尼亚语
8、affectionate message───深情的信息
message space(双语使用场景)
1、By means of a radio dish belonging to NASA's Deep Space Network, the message was sent out into the depths of space.───通过美国国家航空航天局深空网络的无线电天线,信息被发送到太空深处。
2、If a message is received from outer space, it could be compared against this database.───如果收到来自外太空的消息,则可以将其与该数据库进行比较。
3、Websites produced by static and dynamic web pages produced by the ASP technical personal message space.───个人网站通过制作静态网页和动态ASP技术制作的个人留言空间。
4、she saw you on campus or have girls message space is very sour when asked : This is Who?───她看到你校内或空间上有女生留言时会很酸的问:这谁呀?
5、Welcome to Doreen Virtue's Angel Message Space!───欢迎来到朵琳。芙秋天使讯息空间!