1、General Mud slowed down the movement of the Germans' lightning attack.───将军”拖延了德国人闪电式进攻的行动。
2、Summary of Study on Fluid Mud Movement───浮泥运动研究综述
3、October arrived with heavy rains. General Mud slowed down the movement of the Germans' lightning attack.───10月来临,大雨不停,“泥泞将军”拖延了德国人闪电式进攻的行动。
4、Analyze sludge movement in the course of the mud scraper in concentrated pond operating, changes the straight line trowel to the curve trowel, raises the mud scraper working efficiency.───分析浓缩池刮泥机运转过程中污泥运动情况,改直线刮泥板为曲线刮泥板,提高了刮泥机工作效率。
mud movement(意思翻译)
mud movement(相似词语短语)
2、mud pee───泥巴尿
3、weird mud───奇怪的泥巴
4、sand mud───沙土
5、Mud Wheel───泥轮
6、got mud───有泥浆吗
7、sling mud───诬蔑
8、movement───n.运动;活动;运转;乐章;n.运动; 活动; 调遣; 逐渐变化; 进步; 增减; 乐章; 机件
9、mud mint───泥薄荷
mud movement(双语使用场景)
1、General Mud slowed down the movement of the Germans' lightning attack.───将军”拖延了德国人闪电式进攻的行动。
2、Summary of Study on Fluid Mud Movement───浮泥运动研究综述
3、October arrived with heavy rains. General Mud slowed down the movement of the Germans' lightning attack.───10月来临,大雨不停,“泥泞将军”拖延了德国人闪电式进攻的行动。
4、Analyze sludge movement in the course of the mud scraper in concentrated pond operating, changes the straight line trowel to the curve trowel, raises the mud scraper working efficiency.───分析浓缩池刮泥机运转过程中污泥运动情况,改直线刮泥板为曲线刮泥板,提高了刮泥机工作效率。