1、Results showed that the ductility of bolted splice joint is much better than that of the welded one;───试验结果表明:螺栓拼接节点的延性远好于梁柱焊缝连接;
2、Results show that splicing joints designed according to the actual force at splice joint center can not only save connection materials and construction time, but also improve its seismic property.───结果表明,按照拼接区的实际受力进行设计,不仅拼接用料和施工用时较少,而且抗震性能有所提高。
3、Joint (splice) misalignment is commonly the result of improperly squared belt ends.───联合(拼接)不对通常不当平方带两端的结果。
4、shown that when there is a slight bending at the vicinity of splice joint, the spot size increases sharply at higher frequencies.───表明,当接合点附近有微弯时,高频率的光斑尺寸将明显增加。
splice joint(意思翻译)
splice joint(相似词语短语)
2、splice box───交接箱;电缆分线箱;分歧套管
3、splice apk───拼接apk
5、splice sounds───拼音
6、comma splice───逗号粘连;逗号叠加,逗号结合;逗号粘连; 逗号叠加,逗号结合
7、splice mdn───拼接mdn
8、splice movie───拼接电影
9、splice js───接头js
splice joint(双语使用场景)
1、Results showed that the ductility of bolted splice joint is much better than that of the welded one;───试验结果表明:螺栓拼接节点的延性远好于梁柱焊缝连接;
2、Results show that splicing joints designed according to the actual force at splice joint center can not only save connection materials and construction time, but also improve its seismic property.───结果表明,按照拼接区的实际受力进行设计,不仅拼接用料和施工用时较少,而且抗震性能有所提高。
3、Joint (splice) misalignment is commonly the result of improperly squared belt ends.───联合(拼接)不对通常不当平方带两端的结果。
4、shown that when there is a slight bending at the vicinity of splice joint, the spot size increases sharply at higher frequencies.───表明,当接合点附近有微弯时,高频率的光斑尺寸将明显增加。