1、By adopting GE alternator drive system technology, system maintenance workload has been reduced and its grade ability has improved dramatically.───采用GE交流电驱动XiTong技术,成功减少了XiTong保养工作量,更大力提高了车辆爬坡能力。
2、Its drive is to introduce American ge company's products, more perfect for the function of large-scale complex control systems.───它的驱动器是引进美国GE公司产品,为功能比较完善的大型复杂的控制XiTong。
3、An Application of GE Drive Systems in Bar Rolling Mill───GE传动XiTong在冶金棒材轧机中的应用
ge drive(意思翻译)
ge drive(相似词语短语)
1、ge index───通用电气指数
2、ge───abbr.美国通用电气公司 (General Electric Co);总能量(grossenergy);n.(Ge)人名;(朝)揭;(俄)格
3、ge nt───n.(Gent)人名;(英)金特;(德、葡)根特;n.绅士;假绅士;男子;男厕
4、ge mining───通用电气矿业
5、blowpipe ge───吹管ge
6、ge nan───葛楠
7、P ge───abbr.前列腺素e(phenylglycidylether)
8、b ge───abbr.丁基缩水GanYou醚(butylglycidylether)
9、ran ge───vt.漫游;放牧;使并列;归类于;来回走动;vi.(在...内)变动;平行,列为一行;延伸;漫游;射程达到;n.范围;幅度;排;山脉
ge drive(双语使用场景)
1、By adopting GE alternator drive system technology, system maintenance workload has been reduced and its grade ability has improved dramatically.───采用GE交流电驱动XiTong技术,成功减少了XiTong保养工作量,更大力提高了车辆爬坡能力。
2、Its drive is to introduce American ge company's products, more perfect for the function of large-scale complex control systems.───它的驱动器是引进美国GE公司产品,为功能比较完善的大型复杂的控制XiTong。
3、An Application of GE Drive Systems in Bar Rolling Mill───GE传动XiTong在冶金棒材轧机中的应用