1、Of course, you can collect peer's sample, business card, analyzing their advertisements and so on.───当然,你还可以收集同行样本,名片,分析其宣传等等。
2、grip on the market, Banks and credit-card firms want to be in a position to collect most of the fees from the users of mobile and contactless-payment systems.───银行和发卡机构牢牢抓住这一市场,更希望从手机和非接触支付XiTong中攫取更大利润。
3、Collect the WWN with the info command on the daughter card of your blade slot (in this example slot 4).───blade插槽(在此示例中是插槽4)的子卡执行info以收集WWN。
collect card(英语使用场景)
1、Optic - design of object lens with microscope, CCD, image - collect card and other relational operation were completed.
collect card(意思翻译)
collect card(相似词语短语)
1、l collect───我收集
2、collect litter───收垃圾
3、collect roblox───收集roblox
5、collect leaves───收集树叶
6、collect point───收集点
7、collect nuts───收集坚果
8、collect dolls───收集玩具娃娃
9、collect woods───收集木材
collect card(双语使用场景)
1、Of course, you can collect peer's sample, business card, analyzing their advertisements and so on.───当然,你还可以收集同行样本,名片,分析其宣传等等。
2、grip on the market, Banks and credit-card firms want to be in a position to collect most of the fees from the users of mobile and contactless-payment systems.───银行和发卡机构牢牢抓住这一市场,更希望从手机和非接触支付XiTong中攫取更大利润。
3、Collect the WWN with the info command on the daughter card of your blade slot (in this example slot 4).───blade插槽(在此示例中是插槽4)的子卡执行info以收集WWN。
collect card(英语使用场景)
1、Optic - design of object lens with microscope, CCD, image - collect card and other relational operation were completed.