1、Compass effect: different halos within the same confocal image have a polarity in a common direction.───指南针效应:存在于同一个共聚焦视野内图像内的不同的光圈在某一特定的方向上具有相同的极性。
2、The first optical fiber and the second optical fiber support optical signals traveling in a common direction.───该第一光纤和第二光纤支持沿共同方向传播的光信号。
3、A body of persons acting together or associated under common direction:───共同行动或共同指挥下的一伙人:
4、In fact, some common direction of effort, some common sense, some mutual cooperation, infiltration and conversion existed between both thoughts.───其实,二者有时有着共同的努力方向和认识上的某些共识,彼此间也非壁垒森严,存在着师友关系和互相渗透、转化的情况。
5、Taking up an occupation-oriented, service-aim, ability-standard, course-core have been the common direction of vocational education.───“以就业为导向,以服务为宗旨,以能力为本位,以课程为核心”是职业教育改革前进的方向,这已经成为共识。
6、Balance and Harmony: the Common Direction of Four Macro-Economic Objects───均衡与和谐:四个宏观经济目标的共同指向
7、People who share a common direction and sense of common purpose can get there more quickly.───有共同目标和共同意识的人们可以更快的达到目的。
common direction(意思翻译)
common direction(相似词语短语)
1、longitudinal direction───轴向,纵向流变;纵向流变;轴向
2、perpendicular direction───垂直方向
3、broadside direction───横向
4、direction key───n.方向键
6、buoyage direction───浮标方向
7、transverse direction───横向
8、unwise direction───不明智的方向
9、common───n.普通;平民;公有地;n. (Common)(法)科蒙,(英)康芒(人名);adj.共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的
common direction(双语使用场景)
1、Compass effect: different halos within the same confocal image have a polarity in a common direction.───指南针效应:存在于同一个共聚焦视野内图像内的不同的光圈在某一特定的方向上具有相同的极性。
2、The first optical fiber and the second optical fiber support optical signals traveling in a common direction.───该第一光纤和第二光纤支持沿共同方向传播的光信号。
3、A body of persons acting together or associated under common direction:───共同行动或共同指挥下的一伙人:
4、In fact, some common direction of effort, some common sense, some mutual cooperation, infiltration and conversion existed between both thoughts.───其实,二者有时有着共同的努力方向和认识上的某些共识,彼此间也非壁垒森严,存在着师友关系和互相渗透、转化的情况。
5、Taking up an occupation-oriented, service-aim, ability-standard, course-core have been the common direction of vocational education.───“以就业为导向,以服务为宗旨,以能力为本位,以课程为核心”是职业教育改革前进的方向,这已经成为共识。
6、Balance and Harmony: the Common Direction of Four Macro-Economic Objects───均衡与和谐:四个宏观经济目标的共同指向
7、People who share a common direction and sense of common purpose can get there more quickly.───有共同目标和共同意识的人们可以更快的达到目的。