comparable figures(意思翻译)
comparable figures(相似词语短语)
1、ghostlike figures───鬼影
3、comparable value───可比价值
4、plane figures───[数]平面图形
5、father figures───n.长者;父亲般的人物;领袖;n.长者,领袖( father figure的名词复数 )
6、comparable to───可比较的,比得上的
8、figures song───数字歌曲
9、trade figures───贸易指标
comparable figures(双语使用场景)
1、The number was the highest since comparable figures first came out more than 30 years ago.───自30多年前开始发布可比数字以来,这创下了最高纪录。
2、The comparable figures were 92% and 98%, respectively, for women and men aged 23 to 34.───在23 - 34岁的人群中,女性和男性的可比数据分别为92%和98%。
3、But the comparable figures for central bankers show a larger increase.───但是有关央行官员的比较数据出现了更大的增幅。
4、No comparable figures for earlier years were given.───没有给出前几年的可比数字。
5、No comparable figures for earlier years were given.───报告没有给出前几年的可比数字。
6、The comparable figures for China, where income inequality is officially much greater, are 100% and 75%.───在官方公布的收入不平等程度更大的中国,相应的数字分别是100%和75%。
comparable figures(英语使用场景)
1、Because of changes in coverage, comparable figures are not available for 1981.
2、The comparable figures for 1989 were 33 percent of conifers and 20 percent of broadleaved trees.
3、The comparable figures for research connected with defence, space and civil aviation were £1343 million, £52 million and £69 million.
4、The comparable figures for Mr Bauman are £1m and £754,000.
comparable figures(意思翻译)
comparable figures(相似词语短语)
1、ghostlike figures───鬼影
3、comparable value───可比价值
4、plane figures───[数]平面图形
5、father figures───n.长者;父亲般的人物;领袖;n.长者,领袖( father figure的名词复数 )
6、comparable to───可比较的,比得上的
8、figures song───数字歌曲
9、trade figures───贸易指标
comparable figures(双语使用场景)
1、The number was the highest since comparable figures first came out more than 30 years ago.───自30多年前开始发布可比数字以来,这创下了最高纪录。
2、The comparable figures were 92% and 98%, respectively, for women and men aged 23 to 34.───在23 - 34岁的人群中,女性和男性的可比数据分别为92%和98%。
3、But the comparable figures for central bankers show a larger increase.───但是有关央行官员的比较数据出现了更大的增幅。
4、No comparable figures for earlier years were given.───没有给出前几年的可比数字。
5、No comparable figures for earlier years were given.───报告没有给出前几年的可比数字。
6、The comparable figures for China, where income inequality is officially much greater, are 100% and 75%.───在官方公布的收入不平等程度更大的中国,相应的数字分别是100%和75%。
comparable figures(英语使用场景)
1、Because of changes in coverage, comparable figures are not available for 1981.
2、The comparable figures for 1989 were 33 percent of conifers and 20 percent of broadleaved trees.
3、The comparable figures for research connected with defence, space and civil aviation were £1343 million, £52 million and £69 million.
4、The comparable figures for Mr Bauman are £1m and £754,000.