1、researches access control mechanism about web pages and designs a universal control modal for the access about ASP. NET web pages.───对A SP。 NET页面文件的访问控制机制进行了研究,建立了一个通用页面访问模型。
2、Like some competitors, the Peel universal control uses a device you may already own -- an iPhone or iPod Touch (even older models).───跟许多同类产品一样,Peel万能遥控器也需要用到一些你可能已经拥有的装备——iPhone或者是iPodTouch(老款也可以)。
3、The control system of the electric upsetting machine was based on a PC and universal control cards. The kernel of the system was blocking software.───电镦机的控制XiTong是基于单台PC机和通用型控制板卡的智能控制XiTong,其灵魂是模块化的软件XiTong。
4、This paper describes the principle and application program of the universal control chart, analyzes the design principle and versatility of the chart, and studies for further applications.───文章通过阐述通用控制图的原理及应用程序,分析了通用控制图的设计原理及广泛的通用性,为推广应用进行了深入研究。
5、Universal Control Unit for Powder Coating Guns───粉末喷枪的智能控制模块
6、This control scheme relies on observing process output variables and human universal control idea to make control decisions.───该算法以观测过程输出变数值为基点,模仿人的宏观控制思想进行决策控制。
universal control(英语使用场景)
1、Based on a general tactical model, a project using linear accelerometer and angular accelerometer is designed and a universal control law is researched in this paper.
universal control(意思翻译)
universal control(相似词语短语)
2、universal joint───[机]万向节;[机]万向接头;n.万向接头
3、universal themes───普遍主题
4、universal studios───环球影业;环球影城(美国西岸好莱坞著名的制片厂和主题乐园)
5、universal donor───n.普通供血者,万能供血者;普通供血者;万能供血者
6、universal studio───环球影城(主题公园名)
7、universal time───世界时间;格林威治时;国际标准时间;n.世界时间,格林尼治(平均)时
8、control───v.指挥; 控制; 限定; 限制; 阻止蔓延; 抑制;n.统治; 控制(力); 克制; 管理; 限制; 控制按钮; 检查站/人员; 对照标准;n.控制;管理;抑制;Cao纵装置;vt.控制;管理;抑制
9、universal suffrage───n.普选权
universal control(双语使用场景)
1、researches access control mechanism about web pages and designs a universal control modal for the access about ASP. NET web pages.───对A SP。 NET页面文件的访问控制机制进行了研究,建立了一个通用页面访问模型。
2、Like some competitors, the Peel universal control uses a device you may already own -- an iPhone or iPod Touch (even older models).───跟许多同类产品一样,Peel万能遥控器也需要用到一些你可能已经拥有的装备——iPhone或者是iPodTouch(老款也可以)。
3、The control system of the electric upsetting machine was based on a PC and universal control cards. The kernel of the system was blocking software.───电镦机的控制XiTong是基于单台PC机和通用型控制板卡的智能控制XiTong,其灵魂是模块化的软件XiTong。
4、This paper describes the principle and application program of the universal control chart, analyzes the design principle and versatility of the chart, and studies for further applications.───文章通过阐述通用控制图的原理及应用程序,分析了通用控制图的设计原理及广泛的通用性,为推广应用进行了深入研究。
5、Universal Control Unit for Powder Coating Guns───粉末喷枪的智能控制模块
6、This control scheme relies on observing process output variables and human universal control idea to make control decisions.───该算法以观测过程输出变数值为基点,模仿人的宏观控制思想进行决策控制。
universal control(英语使用场景)
1、Based on a general tactical model, a project using linear accelerometer and angular accelerometer is designed and a universal control law is researched in this paper.