1、Have fun and eat well so much part roast then simultaneously spray juice. The early childhood totally free sea snares there.───好玩又好吃一边烤然后一边喷汁。那里孩提共免费的海钓。
2、I sailed through Junior and Senior High in the concert bands and marched for four years with cymbals, snares and bass drums strapped to my slight frame.───我在音乐会乐队中顺利地度过了初中和高中,在我瘦小的身体上绑着钹、响弦和低音行进了四年。
3、There is no mention of this in the texts. I fear this must be opened internally. We must enter through the grate and be wary of snares.───关于这里的信息目前还是一片空白。恐怕得我们亲自深入其中去填补空白了。我们必须小心陷阱和机关。
4、The stories also say that the Enchanted Wood is a place of great danger, and that no one has ever escaped from its deadly snares.───二王子欧文说,“故事里还说迷失之林是个极其危险的地方,从没有人能逃脱它那些致命的陷阱。”
5、data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.───这些数据不带任何偏见,但是统计工作中还有许多需要避免的陷阱。
6、It would not have been difficult to do this, with a few snares stretched at the openings of the burrows.───要想捉住它们并不困难,只要在洞口布置几个圈套就行了。
7、Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.───他要向恶人密布网罗。有烈火,琉璜,热风,作他们杯中的分。
8、Saw the bottom line installed ring (SNAREs), can marry side of the plate to make *, and have installed separately from the switch.───小鼓的底部有安装响线 (S N A R E),可以用小鼓侧面的板机来*作,分别做安上与分离的切换。
1、The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.
2、He shoots rabbits and he sets snares for them.
3、Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.
4、Just like humans, they go hunting with their blowpipes and they erect snares and traps in the jungle.
5、The snares are a fundamental ingredient to the drum roll as they help blend together distinct strokes that are therefore perceived as a single sustained sound.
6、City life can be full of snares for young people.
7、He snares ire my troubles as well as in my joys.
8、All his promises were snares and delusions.
9、The Democrats have fallen into Republican snares, most conspicuously with the strange case of Rep.
1、Have fun and eat well so much part roast then simultaneously spray juice. The early childhood totally free sea snares there.───好玩又好吃一边烤然后一边喷汁。那里孩提共免费的海钓。
2、I sailed through Junior and Senior High in the concert bands and marched for four years with cymbals, snares and bass drums strapped to my slight frame.───我在音乐会乐队中顺利地度过了初中和高中,在我瘦小的身体上绑着钹、响弦和低音行进了四年。
3、There is no mention of this in the texts. I fear this must be opened internally. We must enter through the grate and be wary of snares.───关于这里的信息目前还是一片空白。恐怕得我们亲自深入其中去填补空白了。我们必须小心陷阱和机关。
4、The stories also say that the Enchanted Wood is a place of great danger, and that no one has ever escaped from its deadly snares.───二王子欧文说,“故事里还说迷失之林是个极其危险的地方,从没有人能逃脱它那些致命的陷阱。”
5、data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.───这些数据不带任何偏见,但是统计工作中还有许多需要避免的陷阱。
6、It would not have been difficult to do this, with a few snares stretched at the openings of the burrows.───要想捉住它们并不困难,只要在洞口布置几个圈套就行了。
7、Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.───他要向恶人密布网罗。有烈火,琉璜,热风,作他们杯中的分。
8、Saw the bottom line installed ring (SNAREs), can marry side of the plate to make *, and have installed separately from the switch.───小鼓的底部有安装响线 (S N A R E),可以用小鼓侧面的板机来*作,分别做安上与分离的切换。
1、The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.
2、He shoots rabbits and he sets snares for them.
3、Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.
4、Just like humans, they go hunting with their blowpipes and they erect snares and traps in the jungle.
5、The snares are a fundamental ingredient to the drum roll as they help blend together distinct strokes that are therefore perceived as a single sustained sound.
6、City life can be full of snares for young people.
7、He snares ire my troubles as well as in my joys.
8、All his promises were snares and delusions.
9、The Democrats have fallen into Republican snares, most conspicuously with the strange case of Rep.